It’s not only that and even if Trump who might not be bribed will be handed a mess. At least he knows what makes business grow where current gov doing everything to contract it. The greatest resource in Anerica was the people with its diversity helping it compete globally and its freedom to do so while others had socialistic dictators.
Mid East will just be a side tract to global issues. We all know the court jestire is on the wrong side of the war siding with a country that knows little about global competitiveness other than oil. Narrow minded dictatorship that politically and financially enslaves it’s people using a religious ideology to make it a sin not to wish to suffer at the hands of greed and corruption. Sort of justifying its means at their expense. Kinda like John Lennon singing about no possessions while he’s raking in multi millions preaching it. Not that I didn’t enjoys some of his songs as long as you didn’t take it literally less a earthquake hit. Group think and dare not question less you be the Devils advocate, fact finder, truth seeker. Now their trying it here. It’s not really working though as we can see with the political shifts.
Going into the future while everyone’s focused on Mid East, China is facing some bubbles in infrastructure as well as their peg to the dollar hurting their exports. Join the club. Well that could change next year. Under pressure must speculation they will devalue possibly significantly. Others then will probably reverse like JAPAN and follow. Well you can guess what that means for El Denero. Most interesting and confusing is that the yen when moving one way so did gold, when moving the other like now gold turned as well but at the same time dollar was faltering. Okay now you know ” speculatively ‘ as far long dollar is safe for now, oil pegged to dollar not so safe and yen will devalue at some point following when China does so you’ll have a short yen. This will cause turmoil with emerging markets. Question is will gold wait till dollar breaks the upward pressure or start with China or Japan. Along with the upward pressure less not forget the pressure to raise interest rates. We will be heading into interesting times while they are just creating more problems in the Mid East.
They haven’t got it yet the notion of quality vs quantity. They want to expand at the expense of quality and taking on the financial burdens now ie their currencies and now a sea of more mouths to feed complicated with barbaric idologies that come with it not relevant to them who live behind walls.
If we get more of the same it’s going to be worse than its already is going to be. They are getting the focus of financial survival over physical which will not be revelant to them. They know that as long as people are worried about physical survival anything else will be irrevelant but that’s what the outcome will be in the process. If your hungry are you going to worry about what the market or politicians are doing?