OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

ipso facto @ 20:11 I Agree With The Gold Bottom

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 21:10 on December 22, 2015  

In fact on December 3rd, when Mario Draghi announced ECB Day: “markets tumble as Draghi disappoints investors. Shares fell sharply after Mario Draghi failed to deliver the major stimulus packages which had been expected.”

Nothing is a coincidence. On that day I posted my prediction of the final bottom in Gold and final top with that Dopey/Dollar that provides dopey prices, because the value of the dollar is adjusted willy nilly by dopey leaders as required

My Dec 3rd post:

Dollar Rally Over?

Chart below shows the up-side break-outs in the Euro and Yen, and the inverse final down-side breakout with that high dollar.


This chart below shows an early 2014 dollar bottom and the actual dollar high in March 2015:


All these global bozo bankers work together in unison. My guess is they put the US recovery on hold by raising the dollar after March 2014, so as to lower the Euro, to stimulate Europe and Japan et al to create a temporary bounce in their economies.

Like spinning tops, and running back to re-spin a slowing USA top, and backing off a freshly spun Euro top.
Imo the USA economy is the most important economy of the world, and after 2008, the global powers KNOW that a reversal is necessary. Trump will help, and actually may have been recruited by the global powers to take the lead.

Note, I stated long ago…the media comes out with the truth ONLY after everyone already knows the truth. And the Donald ir reporting it all, even if exaggerated, its ok, because that what the status quo bad guys do all the time.

Draghi story FYI:

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.