Roger that Rich, and thank you for the comeback. Even Trump doesn’t say things I say, leading me to believe he may have been approached by the shadow gov’t guys to run for office. And say things that people are angry about, and plan things that need to be done to restore the USA back to what it used to be.
I was disappointed that Trump said he would not raise the base lowest wage reference point. However he may have lied about that to avoid losing votes, and might in fact raise the minimum wage after he gets elected, because its very important to straighten things out.
TPTB have been saying for decades…”Raising the minimum wage will kill jobs” but that’s a lot of baloney. The minimum wage was raised many times over the years without killing jobs. Raising the wages of unionized public service sector civil service jobs have been killing jobs.
Thousands of small businesses have gone bankrupt, killing thousands of jobs, because the more money tax absorbers get paid, the higher the property taxes go on a commercial buildings, then the land lords to stay even raise the rents, and small businesses can’t raise prices to cover higher rents, then lay all off and shut down.
The under paid masses have been dragging the whole system down. Big global businesses free trade, and under reporting the true inflation rate are the culprit. With an average of a 25% under paid workforce the result is like a 25% unemployment effect.