Did you know that there are 5 “too big to fail” banks in the United States that each have exposure to derivatives contracts that is in excess of 30 trillion dollars?
Overall, the biggest U.S. banks collectively have more than 247 trillion dollars of exposure to derivatives contracts. That is an amount of money that is more than 13 times the size of the U.S. national debt, and it is a ticking time bomb that could set off financial Armageddon at any moment.
Comment: The sharing of this information is not intended as ‘fear-porn’. What this illustrates is the situation engineered by the Khazarian / Zionist / Luciferian Cabal that is now out of their control. Yes, there will have to be a collapse of the current economic system to a degree; in order to remove the establishment system from its control – but it will not be the end of everything. Please do not lose hope – all we are seeing presented here, effectively; is the scale of the absolutely insane, engineered financial debt horse-and-pony-show that these psychopathic idiots thought would enable them to bring about their NWO end game.
Globally, the notional value of all outstanding derivatives contracts is a staggering 552.9 trillion dollars according to the Bank for International Settlements. The bankers assure us that these financial instruments are far less risky than they sound, and that they have spread the risk around enough so that there is no way they could bring the entire system down. But that is the thing about risk – you can try to spread it around as many ways as you can, but you can never eliminate it.
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