is being SOLD OUT by BUSH…Trump was right that China is building plants in China and will make boeing in the US a “PARTS SUPPLIER” ..This was glossed over by BUSH who kept saying BUT BUT not right NOW ! which was true if you want to IGNORE what the FUTURE plans are ! CHINA plans to build it own BOEING airplanes …copy everything with BUSHes blessing and then then STOP buying “made in America “BOEING Airplanes” from South Carolina ……BUSH is selling us out and South Carolinians are too Stupid to see it until it smacks them in the FACE and the LATEST endorsement by Lindsay Grahm to Bush Candidacy is a sellout to South Carolina …..Grahm will be long gone when they make the switch from Made in America Planes to “Made in China” ..It’ll be too late for S.Carolina and they will realize “TRUMP was RIGHT” It aint the first time the S.Carolinians were sold out by thier Politicians……They better listen to thier Yankee Friend as he speaks the truth However brash he is ..Maybe they prefer sweet soft spoken LIES …..Its thier Choice!
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