Orrr.. A carrear politician like Merkel or pick you choice here lol . Merkel running off saving her suitcase of Euros while the city burns.
Your book, that sounds interesting. Let us know when your selling it. Can we have it signed by you since we know you to pass on to kids or would that be difficult. No matter let us know when it’s out.
Armstrong points out over and over that gold will rise when confidence in gov is bad but that’s not the all of it. Besides as things are now how much more confidence has to be lost.?!?!?!?
Financial appears to have more to do with it than human rights or their own people apparently. The market is all connected so each country can be affected by what another does. Emerging markets are most vulnerable especially if their products or exports are dependent on what the larger economies are doing. If the pog is moving up with rates lowering looks like you can expect more cuts going forward so possible upside to pog but not all. Here it can work in reverse too so look back see if any correlation and the big driver confidence and where money is going there. I’m glad your not marring your stocks but don’t be too nervous either not to get left out standing the sidelines. If u do be patient don’t decide to get back in at the top. Doesn’t always have to be all or nothing as long as it averages to your being in the green. Dollar up here but economy not seeing much from it due to taxes regulations or gov greed. Even Russell small cap not seeing the difference since it has handful of US companies that should benefit. In Calif gas higher because gov greed seeing profit loss taxes on to every gal. So when other states see 1.69 we see 2.69 and will never stop till people wake up and start slamming fists on desks. Behind closed doors taxing. Most don’t realize it. Anyways let us know when book is out.