would have happened if Obama hadent made moves against Putin in Crimea and Ukraine ….and used NATO to put missiles in his back Yard ..
Yes we should have let him know not to get expansionist minded but it wasent unreasonable for him to protect Russian speaking people in those areas ….
There would have been NO SYRIA,NO ARAB SPRING nonsence ,no support for Iran , No refugees streaming into Europe its all because of Obamas Stupidity !
If you use military threats on him ..you better have the wherewithal to use it or dont make such threats ..because he then will stick it back to you and make you look like a fool like Obama is….Stupid is as Stupid does….He should have been our ally in fighting Muslims ..after all they were his enemy and are still a threat to him….
NOW Obama made them a threat to US…..NICE work Obama…
A complete screw up by Obama who pushed Putin into supporting IRAN as it was a strategic move and he knows how to play that Chess game ..
Obama is such a complete fool who only knows domestic politics ..how to fool the majority by promising something for nothing and then make them pay for it….
He then started this oil price decline as a way to Punish PUTIN and now its backfired on us ! I wonder just which side hes on ?