OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

Silverngold @ 15:15

Posted by Samb @ 15:56 on January 21, 2016  

Have you lost it? Or was it never really there to begin with? Larry, your buddy, is a complete phoney. I saved his public posts and still have them saved. Just pure guessing garbage. And then how he could pose and smog and smile in photo after photo from his younger years… a teenager at best.    Clue to you SNG: We are in a PRIMARY BEAR market. But, but, but…Larry says stocks are going to roar ahead! Because he is simply ignorant and so are you for following him.  Stick to conspiracies SNG. Leave the heavy thinking to others.

Part: We will hit the back wall of the financial hurricane that started in 2008.

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 15:44 on January 21, 2016  

Larry Edelson must have been reading my posts on the old G-E Forum. I made posts about the 50 year approaching storm, and that the summer 2008 was the “eye wall” and the “recovery” after 2009 was not a fix, that TPTB simply put “situation” in the eye of the storm, and the second eye wall would eventually hit us, and a real recovery will unfold after that.

I saved and can retrieve all my old posts if anyone doubts me. As far as I’m concerned? I know more about the evolution of this half ass economy than everyone at Davos on in the USA. Nobody has been watching the “game” more intently than I have, because I went into a manufacturing career in 1962, and by 1975 I realized, the gov’t I pay taxes to was against me, totally against my interests. All manufacturers should have had tax exempt status.

Maddog re The Specter of Donald Trump Is Haunting Davos

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 15:19 on January 21, 2016  

AS far back as the 1960s, as per my Vietnam survivor friend who told me…”it didn’t matter who you voted for, the same gov’t always gets in”. Jack Kennedy was a patriotic outsider like Trump. He was starting to make big changes, so naturally they killed him.

The Davos crowd had their way for many decades, and now they know they blew it. Trump is a result or reflection of populous movements and trends that started after 9/11/01, and confirmed by the summer ’08 crash. What is going on in the USA is similar to the Arab Spring, or a different form of American ISIS.

Globalization was a big mistake, plain and simple. It was far bigger and far worse than the global warming environmental laws that they shoved up or got away with.

Love him or hate him, here’s Larry

Posted by silverngold @ 15:15 on January 21, 2016  

Unprepared? If So, Kiss Your Money Goodbye …

Larry Edelson | Wednesday, January 20, 2016 at 7:30 am


Let me cut right to the chase: This year, the global financial markets … entire economies … and even political systems and philosophies — will spiral out of control.

So don’t kid yourself. The first two very wild weeks of the New Year didn’t constitute some isolated event. You’ll see plenty more action like that throughout the year, with some periods even crazier than we just saw.

We will hit the back wall of the financial hurricane that started in 2008. That part of the financial crisis when the governments of the world stepped in to try and save things, but which are now infected with an even worse disease: Debt-to-GDP ratios that over the next five years will bankrupt first Europe, then Japan and then, the United States.


The wild times in the markets are only just starting.


It won’t be pretty. It will affect everything you do. Everything you own. Every investment you make. Your lifestyle. Your children and grandchildren’s future.

No, I am not being an alarmist or screaming fire in a packed theater. I am merely telling it like it is, for if you understand the forces that are now converging upon the world you will see the same things coming that I do.

Just take a look around:

Financial markets are swinging wildly. Everything from stocks and bonds, to commodities are now on a roller coaster. Whenever that happens — especially after a period of relative calm like 2015’s markets — it means something big is coming.

Big moves that could destroy your wealth in a heartbeat. Or, big moves that you can capitalize on for big profits. The choice is yours.

Entire economies are quaking. Europe is the worst of them. But there are problems in China (though they won’t derail China’s long-term growth). There are problems in Australia, Canada, Great Britain. In Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Venezuela. In Russia.

And then there’s the Middle East, where countries are being kicked in the butt by plunging oil prices. Rising domestic unrest and terrorism.

Even political systems are under stress. Third parties are rising in strength all over Europe. New Neo-Nazi groups. Separatist groups. Secession parties. Terrorist groups. Cultural clashes. Syrian refugee crisis. And more.

All part and parcel of the rising War Cycles that I’ve been warning you about, conditions that will not abate until at least the year 2020.

So why is all of this happening? Why will it get worse in the years ahead?

It’s actually very simple: You are witnessing the death of communism and Western-style socialism.

It is not the demise of capitalism, as so many think. It’s the opposite:

The death of big government. The death of the state taking care of you. The death of Keynesian economics.

While at the same time finding scapegoats in the form of other countries, other political systems and parties, to blame.The death of governments that are so indebted from fiscal mismanagement and making promises to you that they could never keep — that they are now waging financial repression against you …

We are entering a crash and burn phase for government. Especially Western governments and their socialist and safety net experiments of the last several decades. Of their currency experiments, their trade wars, their inept policies, bureaucracies, tax systems and more.

It will manifest itself mostly in the sovereign bond markets of Europe and the United States, where interest rates started moving up — and bond prices started falling — even before Janet Yellen raised rates last month.

All the chickens will start coming home to roost, when the citizens of those countries … and investors everywhere … realize that the Emperors of Western socialized countries — their leaders and governments — really do have no clothes.

And then, nearly all markets will swing even more wildly than they are now.

I repeat: This is the first year of five years in total that will be a roller coaster ride through hell. And unless you start preparing now, it will gut your wealth.

First, stay out of U.S., Japanese and European government debt.
No matter what anyone tells you, sovereign debt markets are soon going to become the biggest disasters of all time.My best advice right now:

Second, steer clear of all foreign currencies. Stay mostly in dollars. I know it seems illogical, but it isn’t. As the global economy weakens and geo-political tensions domestically and internationally ramp ever higher, wreaking havoc in almost every corner of the globe …

More and more savvy money will flee to our shores and to the dollar — even as our bond markets tumble.

Third, build your own war chest, to go after the opportunities that are coming.

Some of the opportunities I see coming …

A continued swoon in the Dow Industrials, to as low as 13,900 … and then a new run higher, to new record highs.

A new, explosive bull market in precious metals and mining shares.

Oil shocking everyone, soon bottoming and then soaring back to $50, if not higher.

The profit opportunities this year will simply be off the charts. It would be foolish not to go after them.

Best wishes,


P.S. We are on the cusp of the most profitable bull market of our lifetime. Stocks will be driven higher by powerful global undercurrents that Wall Street will either ignore or fail to understand. As the Dow doubles, some stocks will see explosive gains of 300%, 400%, 500% and more. Savvy investors who make the right moves will become very rich!

Click here for my free report and to find out how it could make you rich beyond your dreams.

Mr Copper

Posted by Maddog @ 14:50 on January 21, 2016  

The Specter of Donald Trump Is Haunting Davos


Hello Farmboy..good to see u back

Posted by Maddog @ 13:34 on January 21, 2016  

re Oil……Ur quite right in yr recollections on Oil and as it slid recently that was the mantra, that it would boost consumer spending…according to the talking heads etc. Unfortunately it was clear from people like Shadow stats that the “recovery” was non existent, consequently the consumer seeing cheaper oil, just says tks, that buys me some more time from the grim reaper, rather than running down to the Mall, waving their credit cards.

One would also think that cheap oil would help the miners, but of course they have been crushed, to kill the Gold message and one can make a good case that oil was being stomped by the Rig, in order to boost consumption etc…..but now it is so low, that it threatens the entire system….The only people that ever said this lot were smart, were themselves.

We are fast approaching the time when all the lies and bullshit are being exposed, meanwhile only the Rig is keeping the mkts afloat.

Hi Mr Copper…..I ain’t disagreeing with u…yr right Global Socialism is falling apart

I hear Merkel is in deep shit, her gu’mint may collapse soon….another Socialist.

I Pull Up A Chair And Everyone Leaves???

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 13:32 on January 21, 2016  

Airlines Saving Money On Fuel??

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 12:57 on January 21, 2016  

I heard, they locked in prices when they were much higher, and losing out on the lower prices. Since when to big corporations buy on the spot market?

What’s The Problem? Simple Mechanical Principals. “Accumulation Of Error”

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 12:49 on January 21, 2016  

Anybody with an extremely advanced and decades of mechanical prototype experiences knows exactly what’s wrong with the global economy, financial system, and how and when the problems started.

“Accumulation Of Error” is the primary problem, and people who are NOT mechanically inclined, have absolutely no business getting involved with decisions and adjustments regarding the monetary system.

Those people make decisions based on emotion. A good “mechanic” makes decisions based on what’s practical, and avoidance of failure. Measure twice, cut once. In other words you can’t kid or fool yourself.

The primary error started decades ago regarding the basic minimum wage laws. The 1930s? law stated minimum wage (and social security) had to go up in unison with the cost of living.

Unfortunately, after the gold de-peg in 1971, dollar dropped and prices went up a lot, and TPTB blamed higher wages not the prior dollar printing for wars and moon landings. The dirt bags called it the “wage price spiral”.

So they started lying or under reporting the true accurate inflation rate for the masses, but public employees received very generous wages and benefits that had to be paid by the “under paid”.

Now the bozos in Davos are staring at deflation. The lower tax payer wages are dragging everything and everybody down. When the bozos in 2001 decided to “bring back inflation” in the commodities sector, WITHOUT bringing back inflation in unison, in the base minimum wages, that there was COUNTER PRODUCTIVE.

Rather than be HONEST with cost of living increases, they (idiots) decided giving the masses SIX YEAR CAR LOANS instead of three year loans, and no down payments for house loans, instead of higher minimum wages raises.

To equate the 1945 to 1975 minimum wages to day would be about $22/hr. That’s being practical. If you disagree, you are be emotional. Plain and simple. Besides all that? Spreading wealth artificially away from wealthy nations (the USA via importing) to hand over to poor nations (that export) is an emotional socialist anti capitalist mistake from the start.

We are watching global socialism collapse. Everyone should be happy now.

not for deer hunters

Posted by treefrog @ 12:24 on January 21, 2016  

the second amendment was not written by deer hunters, but rather by the veterans of a long and bloody war against a tyrannical government

BG @ 11:55

Posted by Samb @ 12:10 on January 21, 2016  

You are much too kind about Uncle Jim. He trapped his loyal Ciga’s into TRX stock and they have lost their shirts. He has become an abysmal failure as a mining CEO. This was to be a royalty stock and then a dividend stock….failure! He trotted out Bo Polny and its obvious that Uncle Jim never bothered to vett that phony. His original chief chartist was named Kenny Rogers…poof he just disappeared as did his forecasting magnetic Angels. His very own Gold forecasting produced a series of “This Is It” moments that never materialized. Well, he did say that Tananzian Royalty Stock would be his Legacy…how true!

USD starting to slip a liittle

Posted by Buygold @ 12:06 on January 21, 2016  

not helping pm’s – no surprise there – but it does seem to be helping the SM and oil. Awesome

Morning Auandag

Posted by Buygold @ 11:55 on January 21, 2016  

I think I’ll pass too.

Sinclair might have finally lost his marbles, he said gold would “go to $50K in his lifetime, and I’m a geezer”.

I love the guy but it might be early onset dementia.


Morning Farmboy

Posted by Buygold @ 11:50 on January 21, 2016  

Best guess is that the SM thinks that if oil rises there will be less of a chance that that there will be defaults and a derivative meltdown.

I suspect it’s a little late for that, but hey if the SM goes higher the economy must be good right?

The Four Horseman

Posted by Ororeef @ 11:30 on January 21, 2016  

I have my own version of “The FOUR HORSEMAN”      Clinton the darling of the Blacks, ” Progressives ” and “Femininsts” , Bliley from the Bastion of Conservatives and Capital of Confereracy in Richmond ,Gramm from the State that reminds us to “remember the Alamo”,Texas  and now for the Fourth ..Obama that exceeds and does the Final blow to freedom via communism , betrayal,and deceit to all that followed him.   Two Democrats and TWO Republicans just to keep things balanced so the Bible,The Constitution and Glass Steagall can be attacked without prejudice ! Kind of Ironic that Bliley family have been Undertakers for over a hundred years how fitting ! kinda self serving and full of conflicts if interest ..Then we have Obama who will turn all those Guns on Mericans in order to “reduce the Population just like the Banksters want…  The fourth and final of the Four Horseman…..DEATH!

Yeah Maddog

Posted by Buygold @ 11:11 on January 21, 2016  

Old Lloyd is always cleaning everyone’s clocks.

I think if I had Lloyd’s inside info even I couldn’t screw that up.

Looks like the same old today.

PM shares don’t go up with the metals but they go down with them.

and they don’t go up with the SM but they go down with it.

Some Clarification Please ?

Posted by Farmboy @ 11:08 on January 21, 2016  

Would someone please be kind enough to enlighten this old mind on why low oil prices are the reason the stock markets are in a cliff leapers dive? In recent days that is excuse being offered up by the mass media for consumption of the masses.

Seems to me when I took my leave of absence from all things financial, especially the daily drivel of market experts, the reason the markets could not get any higher traction was due to the high energy prices. Now with oil prices on sale like the day after Thanksgiving pricing, some would suggest that is the reason for the poor performance in markets, well, that and some problems in China. But with every sort of industry benefiting from low energy costs, ( Airlines announced yesterday that billions would be added to their bottom lines due to low cost of fuel ), and with everyone being able to walk around town with a little extra jingle in their pockets, ( consumers are 70% of the economy we are told), I don’t understand why low energy costs are hurting the markets.

I fully expect to see millions standing in their town squares and cheering $100 bbl oil prices someday, because then the markets can go back up ?!*%!  One of the books I reread during my hiatus was George Orwell’s 1984, and this sure smacks of ‘double speak’ to me. Are the masses that well advanced in ‘mind control’, that this low energy hurting markets will actually fly? I dunno, maybe I have indulged in one too many naps this past year and missed the memo, but this makes no sense to me. Someone care to fix my logic or thinking on this matter. Thanks in advance, Farmboy

Ps) Think I will drop by the shooting range where bullets still go where they are aimed. Some things never change, and Thank God for that!

The Bible,The Constitution and Glass Steagall are the Answer

Posted by Ororeef @ 11:03 on January 21, 2016  

I would remind readers that think the Republicans or Democrats are the way to go…..Glass Steagall was passed during a Clinton democrats term in office with the HELP from TWO “ULTRA CONSERVATIVE ” Republicans  namely the “undertaker” literally Bliley from Virginia and Phil Gramm from ultra conservative TEXAS  …  the most Corrupted politicians ever….  Clinton Bliley,Gramm  an axis of corruption ..

“Return of the Zombies” would make a Great Movie Title

Posted by Ororeef @ 10:45 on January 21, 2016  

“… the Dallas Fed met with the banks a week ago and effectively suspended mark-to-market on energy debts and as a result no impairments are being written down. Furthermore, as we reported earlier this week, the Fed indicated “under the table” that banks were to work with the energy companies on delivering without a markdown on worry that a backstop, or bail-in, was needed after reviewing loan losses which would exceed the current tier 1 capital tranches.
In other words, the Fed has advised banks to cover up major energy-related losses.

Why the reason for such unprecedented measures by the Dallas Fed? Our source notes that having run the numbers, it looks like at least 18% of some banks commercial loan book are impaired, and that’s based on just applying the 3Q marks for public debt to their syndicate sums.”

In other words, the ridiculously low increase in loss provisions by the likes of Wells and JPM suggest two things: i) the real losses are vastly higher, and ii) it is the Fed’s involvement that is pressuring banks to not disclose the true state of their energy “books.”…. [but] the Fed risks a stampeded out of energy exposure because for the Fed to intervene in such a dramatic fashion it suggests that the US energy industry is on the verge of a subprime-like blow up.”


1.Death Spiral–2.Quantitative Stealing—3.Jail,Not Bail

Posted by Ororeef @ 10:38 on January 21, 2016  


Seems to me the Propaganda machine that branded some people as Kooks was really exposing the Truth tellers.!

George Wallace ,Ross Perot,Larouche  .. eccentric maybe ,but truth reveals itself from those first persecuted …

I think I’ll Pass!

Posted by Auandag @ 10:35 on January 21, 2016  

After much discussion, Bill and Jim Sinclair have decided to offer premium content available to visitors willing to pay a small monthly fee.

Gold Miners May Finally Be Worth a Look

Posted by ipso facto @ 9:57 on January 21, 2016  


morning Buygold

Posted by Maddog @ 9:25 on January 21, 2016  

I dread to think what the old Bundesbank hands are thinking, when they see Draghi in charge and doing exactly what they all dreaded/knew would happen, when an Italian was put in charge of the Euro….even worse he is ex Goldman, so u just know he called Lloyd before opening his trap.

GS’s prop desk and all the board just cleaned up again.

Well Maddog

Posted by Buygold @ 9:06 on January 21, 2016  

It still looks like the SM Bear is growling, the SM futures are fading – as they should be.

We’ll see if the SM can squeeze out a gain even though Draghi is really saying everything is screwed.

The elephant in the room is still oil.

Good morning Oasis

Posted by ipso facto @ 8:46 on January 21, 2016  

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GoGold Eliminates 12% Net Profit Royalty with Municipality of Parral


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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.