…..I will reply in kind. Your post reeks of you being an arrogant asshole and you can stick that attitude where the sun don’t shine!! Did I say I endorsed anything that Edelson had to say?? No, I did not.!! I posted his comments for information only. Do I think he is right?? I think he is as right or wrong as most have been these past several years. I think he gets his info from Martin Armstrong who is also a controversial figure who some love and some hate. I think it is important to keep an open mind in all things, including what you call “conspiracies”, because many of them have become “conspiracy facts”. The term conspiracy was coined by those who wanted to discredit those who were seeing through their criminal acts such as 911, chemtrails (geoengineering), Sandy Hook false flag, Hurricane Sandy and Katrina, and now the Muslim refugee agenda to inundate the world with them. I think all of these things are planned distractions so everyone is watching these things instead of being focused on what is actually being done to them behind their backs; the same tactic a magician uses to pull off his tricks. I have also noticed many of us are growing short of temper as the PM’s continue what appears to be a bottoming process dragging on and on. IMO all markets are rigged and manipulated since the advent of the ETF’s, and those who use ETF’s are not helping our cause but are a part of the problem. I think TA, especially short term, is a tool that is now used to mislead investors so they get their pockets picked. Now you can take the above FWIW but I do not feel, as you seem to, that I am right and have the right discredit others because their opinions differ from my own. All The Best Intensions from Silverngold
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