Apparently they have fixed everything. Oil up $6 in a few days. Stocks Markets are doing fine and they are working on pushing down the PMs to “comfortable levels”-silver in particular. All is well. Move along. Nothing to see here. The Beat Goes ON! Oh well. Enjoy each day as if it was your last. In the words of the Brilliant Farmboy: “This too shall pass”. And certainly it will as shall we all. Make today count for someone even if its not you. When we leave this orb and and our earthly shackles( I do believe in an afterlife), hopefully we will have built up a spiritual legacy to present to our Creator and that it is acceptable to Him. For some this is a farce. For others it is kind of a hedge-just in case you know. For me, it is more than just a plan but something I think all should strive for regardless of your religious affiliation.(even if you don’t have one).
Snow is coming to Jersey. Not exactly overwhelmed with joy but since I have had only about an inch total so far this winter(compared to the last two years, well it is as if I moved to the Deep South), I guess I’ll put up with the 4-6 or 8 -10 inches coming depending upon whose forecast is correct. Greetings to all tenters!