2500 cases in Brazil already ..It caused Brain damage to the unborn from mosquito bites during Pregnancy …
visitors to Tropical Foreign countries are bringing it back..some cases in Puerto Rico,a few in Houston Texas .
Babies born with smaller heads than normal and brain damaged ! Of Coarse it started in Africa as usual..No known cure or prevention inoculations …
Rapid spread of Zika virus in the Americas raises alarm — Forestgold (), 20:59:09 1/22/16 Fri
Already, travelers have brought Zika home to Texas, Hawaii and Illinois, though the virus doesn’t seem to have infiltrated U.S. mosquitoes yet. But the United States, with its warm, humid regions, pockets of poverty and ready fleet of mosquitoes capable of carrying the virus, has all the right ingredients for an outbreak, says Peter Hotez, a pediatrician and microbiologist at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston.
“We’ve been wringing our hands about Ebola,” he says, but “Ebola was never a threat to the Western Hemisphere.”
Zika is.
Last edited by author: Fri January 22, 2016 21:01:55 Edited 1 time.
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