Regarding DOW 23,000 and a chance to see 40,000 soon? That logic suggests, or does make sense, if the trends of the past 100 years will continue, unchanged. The past was a 100 year gradual stealth trend of phasing OUT gold and silver for use as money.
During that same 100 years, people naturally, over time, unconsciously or automatically, gradually, started buying THINGS like stocks bonds and real estate with the excess unspent saved money. Some folks even BORROWED funny money from their future income, to buy today and sell for a profit later.
My view, “3-5 years, Dow back down to 8,000 again. And we wont see 18,000 again for 10 years, or 2026” down in 14:58, is based on last 100 years going into reverse, ever since the 9/11/01 and especially after the summer 2008 into 2009 meltdown.
In other words, crazy as this might sound, I think Gold and Silver in a bank deposit, or a coffee can, is gradually going to return for use as real money. And the other unqualified, poor, impractical risky publically visible and taxed alternatives, like stocks bonds and real estate will gradually not be used for savings.