Greetings and salutations ole reef dweller! It’s great to see your smiling face under these tent flaps, but I have to tell you your training methods are not producing the results I had hoped for. But I can see hoping that Buygold would make us coffee is kinda like hoping Obama will resign his post.
But on the other hand, which is a way us old ones explain a lot of things we really don’t understand, it is still good to see some things never change. Like Aquila was mentioning about friends no longer with us, it is a true Blessing to have some just too stubborn and mean to leave us behind. Myself, I ‘m not sure why the Good Lord keeps me around, nor exactly why I’m so determined to stick around this ole world and the mess it’s in, I guess He just aint finished with me yet?
Hope you are faring well, and things going along right as they should be on the reef. I need to get my tail in gear and get over to the pool. I think I have almost talked one of the lifeguards into wearing a hulu skirt and I’m thinking maybe today is the day she does it. Seems like some dads would have told their daughters to not listen to a thing old farmboys say. Well, like I said, some things never change. (grin)
Lifting a glass in your honor this morning, Best Farmboy
Ps) that glass would be a fine blend of apple, carrot, celery & beet juice. Home made no less. Cheers & Bottoms up !!