and you can tell how the will vote ..pampered overweight useless …
Oboy do I miss Benji child hood companion..He was not a PET ! He didnt like to be petted especially by strangers patronizing for him ..He knew who he was ! Fiercely LOYAL ,Guard DOG when called on. Didnt accept strangers until I introduced them to him ….fearless even to dogs twice his size ! Extremely intelligent .! He couldn’t be bribed even by food from a stranger …He waited for my approval first…Never hurt a child ,but guarded all family members and a next door neighbor that talked to him…Benji would walk her to the bus stop on her way to work in the morning and at 5pm went back to the bus stop to walk he back ! Amazing how he knew the time ! He was worth his weight in Gold…
he was a cross smooth hair Fox Terrier & German Shepherd ..