He is not the Parties endorsed candidate ,so it dosent matter if he gets 38 or even 48 % of the debate VOTES ..he needs to get a Super Majority better than 50 % or the rest of the Republicans will demand a brokered CONVENTION ..Thats why the candidates with only 10 % dont drop out..they want to hold on to their delegates so if Trump dosent get a Super majority they can still make deals at a Brokered convention and become the Parties Standard Bearer and to hell with what the Majority of the People want even if Trump got 49 % of the Debate votes and everybody got 10% or whatever .If they dont release their delegates they can gang up on him and lock him out.
Then he has NO choice but to threaten to run as an independent and split the Party and give the election to Hillery if they are NOT fair to him..
Trump understands this ..thats why he threatened to run as independent ! he just wants to be treated fair.
Jeb Bush could still be the Parties choice if it becomes a brokered convention even if he gets 5 % of the Debate votes..If the Party is not fair to Trump Hillary wins. This type of system is designed to benefit the Party in power (Jeb Bush)and not a populist candidate !
The Media never talks about this cause Trump dont cow- tow to them .
A Brokered convention could even bring back Romney or Ryan as a compromise regardless of the Stupid Debate Circus !