Too much stress, even with good shares. Hope it’s not too long before we can get in again. I still think Australia is the way to go though.
WE need to get together with a good trader
and hire him to run a RAID on the DOW now that they are vulnerable ……Who knows the right GUY ?
Knocking Down PM’s
Do you want a war ? If you dont stop knocking down GOLD & SILVER we are going to SHORT the DOW just when you are MOST vulnerable
Thats how we get even with the traders …WE need to organize the AU &AG guys into a SHORT operation that will make their heads SPIN
The money we make on our SHORTS we buy AU &AG ……What say you all ? Do we organize into a SHORT DOW and FIGHT BACK ?
Classic Scum action into the close
ramping the SM and Dollar, no matter how much selling around, as the Hui sits on lows, kept there by the Scum.
We’ve broken big TA levels tdy, so that has produced selling of the shares….but I agree why did those levels get taken out, when both metals were unch or up….and weak Oil is helping bring down costs.
Looking at the SM it is no longer buying the Rig, despite being up 300 plus o/n, the scale of the redemptions is overwhelming it…they knew about all this selling, so had to kill any arb developing in the PM shares …….if they had rallied off that now broken base, they could have gone a long way, hence they had to be drilled.
That said the Rig is still dieing.
Whenever something really bad is about to hit the system, one of the first places it manifests is with an unexplainable raid on the mining stocks. I thumbed through the news announcements of every single component of the HUI index and could not find any news reports that would have triggered a 6% hit on the HUI. Some of the biggest stocks, like BVN, Kinross and Newmont are down 7-10%. Unexplainably down.
This could lead to a big attack on gold/silver, so brace yourself. It won’t last and anyone who sells into it out of fear will regret doing so in 3-6 months.
Hi Goldilocks
Nice to hear from you.
Although we live in New Zealand, the shares we hold are Australian. Lots of people seem to think we are part of Australia, but we are a different country altogether. (Much smaller, of course.)
Mr Copper
That is why people are not benefiting from rising dollar only Government and why we will probably crash and burn before this paracitic practice is changed.
Margaret that’s good . Im glad to see somebody’s benefiting. Haven’t been keeping up with NZ stocks and wonder if it has to do with currency exchange. Otherwise no clue here why it’s moving up there but glad for you.
NUGT down12% & HUI down 6.5%–crimex gold down 1.50–silver up 21 cent–this is
usually a good risk/reward trade–stop on nugt would be the low of the day at 17.60–the fair are for the brave…dyod
P.S. the $ index just went red giving up 395bps of gain…but we’re dealing with a rigged mkt-so proceed at your own risk.–fundamentals mean zilch….usually…also stocks look like they want to roll over…if not now then maybe near the close or mañana…
SPOCK on Goldtent TA Paradise.
I’ve been reading his posts with interest. He’s noticed that some of the Australian gold shares are doing very well. I have two at the moment.
One is up 58.58%. The other is up 46.89%.
what happened, quietly, on January 1, 2016:
I found this in my inbox:
As a brief reminder for those who may have forgotten, or for the many that
didn’t know, here is what happened, quietly, on January 1, 2016:
* Medicare tax went from 1.45% to 2.35%
* Top Income tax bracket went from 35% to 39.6%
* Top Income payroll tax went from 37.4% to 52.2%
* Capital Gains tax went from 15% to 28%
* Dividend tax went from 15% to 39.6%
* Estate tax went from 0% to 55%
* A 3.5% Real Estate transaction tax was added.
Remember this fact: These taxes were all passed solely with Democrat votes.
Not a single Republican voted for these new taxes.
These taxes were all passed in the ‘Affordable Care Act,’ aka ‘Obamacare.’
My response:
The gov’t is like the Terminator, a robot. No pity, no emotion, it will not stop. After 1971-’75, I knew back then, America’s consumers were put on the global chopping block and the future was bad. I and George Carlin tried warning everybody, but it was like talking to a tree stump.
Now we have Trump taking our place, and allowed to, obviously because things are so bad now that things have to change. Imports need to be taxed or avoided, simple. Exports need tax breaks and promoted. In reality each and every country should produce its own needs, and import ONLY what is not available locally.
The entire system and many old trends are distorted, and its all trying to right itself. Populism, nationalism etc. Letting big global multi national businesses (the cat that swallowed the canary) get their way was a big mistake. Global productivity, and efficiency was a mistake (con job) unless the goal was more time off shorter work week, or planet Earth was competing against another planet.
ipso facto
Yeah I’ve got loads of ’em….
Never thought I would see mkts being controlled like this.
Tdy is a new classic. Both Au and Ag are up and clear that without the Scum they would be a lot higher….oil prices have fallen apart, thus reducing mining costs somewhat… the Shares should have been catching a bid, not falling apart.
I have to wonder what I’m still doing in the mining shares? You have shares?
Darkest before the dawn? Is there something darker than black?
Crooks running the casino … your chances are …
Chores to do. bbl
ipso facto
RE Hui…every time the SM slips, they bomb Hui….but whenever Sm picks up, no Hui bids.
As long as the SEC never goes after short sellers for non delivery, then it can continue…i just did a search of “sec fines short sellers non delivery “……4 pages in no results !!!!!!!
I think I’m getting carpal tunnel!
Scum losing SM now. Not so good if the SM goes negative today. Look out below!
Otto opines
Pan American Silver (PAAS) ( provides an excellent snapshot of the silver space
The 4q15 numbers out of PAAS this morning are genuinely good; they’ve produced strongly, costs are down, they’ve become leaner and meaner over 2015 and the guidance for 2016 is a continuation of the efforts made.
But (and there’s always one of those), you get to the AISC forecasts and it becomes cleat, they’re still losing money at these silver prices. And that’s the way it is, even the decent Ag plays are untouchable, so just imagine how bad things are at the never-ending list of mediocrities in the silver space…even when they aren’t getting their dynamite stolen.
Sm selling all bt by PPT…now we rally, as dlr does and all Pm’s held @ lows, or pushed lower
Plus Oil lifted off lows…..
Panic over.
Scum were never going to allow an Arbitrage to develop between Au and Sm
so they had to sit on/kill the Pm shares…which they have done….
The miners may as well de list and close up shop, their business no longer exists… was sacrificed to keep the 1 % in clover and the rest of the world fooled .