OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

BG, we don’t fail tests around these parts…

Posted by macroman3 @ 18:51 on January 17, 2016  

But you do get a participation ribbon.

Clinton Is Selling Uranium From Bundy and Hammond Ranches to Russians to Fund Presidential Campaign

Posted by silverngold @ 18:46 on January 17, 2016  
Before It’s News®

CSS Offical-New-Logo2

clinton 2016

When Donald Trump accused Clinton and Obama of creating ISIS, he was absolutely 100% correct. This fact was undeniably established in 2015 when I interviewed former Army Special Operations Officer and advisor to George W. Bush, Scott Bennett. However, this is merely the starting point of this article.

 A Treasonous Conspiracy of Monumental Proportions

Both the Bundy and Hammond Ranch affairs is about control of significant amounts  of uranium and the BLM is willing to shed blood in order to procure this uranium for very nefarious purposes.

This article will unequivocally implicate Hillary Clinton in her role of deliberately committing abject treason against the people of the United States through the illegal appropriation of uranium, at both the Bundy and the Hammond ranches and then selling the uranium to the Russians in order to help fund her presidential run through a largely untraceable offshore account.

I am taken back by the brazenness of the plot. I am even further taken back by the fact this event, as the reader will soon learn, was reported in the New York Times as well as other mainstream media outlets. Is it really necessary to point out that the uranium that Clinton, and the fact that it is subsequently being sold to the Russians, could potentially be used against the American people and its military, in the form of nuclear weapons, and this blood money is helping to fund the presidential campaign of a political despot of epic proportions.

Please walk through with me the progression of the events and facts related to this story which accurately casts Hillary Clinton into the light as the single biggest femme fatale traitor in American History.

Making the Connections Between the Bundy and Hammond Ranches and the Presence of Coveted Uranium

Go to the youtube channel owned by dutchsinse. He makes a very compelling case that several ranches, not just Bundy’s and Hammond’s have been under assault in order to procure precious metals. In the following youtube video, dutchsinse asks the following question:

“Let’s just call it what it is. Human greed is at stake here. Who is going to get the gold back there in the back country? Who is going to get the uranium?” 

More: http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/2016/01/05/clinton-is-selling-uranium-from-bundy-and-hammond-ranches-to-russians-to-fund-presidential-campaign/


Posted by Buygold @ 18:30 on January 17, 2016  

They’ll do anything to stop gold from rising and be an alternative to failing fiat currencies – including assassination

Everything is crashing around us, oil, world stock markets, economies etc. and yet….we get the same old shit with paper gold

24 hr gold chart

Gold should be up $100 right now.

In the USA and Canada we can’t even get mandatory GMO labeling, and we’re being pushed into mandatory vaccines

Posted by silverngold @ 18:17 on January 17, 2016  

Putin: Human Evolution Under Threat By Big Pharma, GMO, Vaccines
January 17 2015 | From: WakeUpKiwi via YourNewsWire

A report prepared by the Security Council (SCRF) circulating in the Kremlin today states that President Putin has issued orders that his people must be protected from GMO “food” and Western pharmaceuticals “at all costs.”

The Western government-controlled people are an “intensively vaccinated borderline autistic fat man slumped in front of a screen battling a high-fructose corn syrup comedown”, claims Putin who says that Russians “must be protected … at all costs”.

Related: Putin’s New Plan To Become #1 Scares Monsanto Big Time

The report says that President Putin believes the next stage of human evolution is currently in “grave risk” and that Western and global powers are “intentionally decelerating the process for their personal gain.”

“We as a species have the choice to continue to develop our bodies and brains in a healthy upward trajectory, or we can follow the Western example of recent decades and intentionally poison our population with genetically altered food, pharmaceuticals, vaccinations, and fast food that should be classified as a dangerous, addictive drug.”

“We must fight this.  A physically and intellectually disabled population is not in our interests,” the report states.

Describing the average government-controlled Westerner as an;

“Intensively vaccinated borderline autistic fat man slumped in front of a screen battling a high-fructose corn syrup comedown,” the report states that such tactics used by governments to subjugate their citizens are not only “dark/evil” but “counter-productive in the medium to long term.”

Russia under President Putin has been giving away land for free in the past few years to people willing to farm organically and sustainably.  The goal is to become the world’s “leading exporter” of non-GMO foods that are based on “ecologically clean” production.

The Security Council report comes just months after the Kremlin announced a stop to the production of all GMO-containing foods, which was seen by the international community as a major step in the fight against multinationals like Monsanto.  Russia continues to lead the way in the realm of natural, organic farming.

Declassified Emails Reveal NATO Killed Gaddafi to Stop Libyan Creation of Gold-Backed Currency

Posted by silverngold @ 18:01 on January 17, 2016  


nato-eagle-backgroundBy Jay Syrmopoulos

In spite of French-led U.N. Security Council Resolution 1973 creating a no-fly zone over Libya with the express intent of protecting civilians, one of the over 3,000 new Hillary Clinton emails released by the State Department on New Year’s Eve, contain damning evidence of Western nations using NATO as a tool to topple Libyan leader Muammar al-Gaddafi. The NATO overthrow was not for the protection of the people, but instead it was to thwart Gaddafi’s attempt to create a gold-backed African currency to compete with the Western central banking monopoly.

The emails indicate the French-led NATO military initiative in Libya was also driven by a desire to gain access to a greater share of Libyan oil production, and to undermine a long term plan by Gaddafi to supplant France as the dominant power in the Francophone Africa region.

The April 2011 email, sent to the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton by unofficial adviser and longtime Clinton confidante Sidney Blumenthal with the subject line “France’s client and Qaddafi’s gold,” reveals predatory Western intentions.

The Foreign Policy Journal reports:

The email identifies French President Nicholas Sarkozy as leading the attack on Libya with five specific purposes in mind: to obtain Libyan oil, ensure French influence in the region, increase Sarkozy’s reputation domestically, assert French military power, and to prevent Gaddafi’s influence in what is considered “Francophone Africa.”

Most astounding is the lengthy section delineating the huge threat that Gaddafi’s gold and silver reserves, estimated at “143 tons of gold, and a similar amount in silver,” posed to the French franc (CFA) circulating as a prime African currency.

The email makes clear that intelligence sources indicate the impetus behind the French attack on Libya was a calculated move to consolidate greater power, using NATO as a tool for imperialist conquest, not a humanitarian intervention as the public was falsely led to believe.

According to the email:

This gold was accumulated prior to the current rebellion and was intended to be used to establish a pan-African currency based on the Libyan golden Dinar. This plan was designed to provide the Francophone African Countries with an alternative to the French franc (CFA).

(Source Comment: According to knowledgeable individuals this quantity of gold and silver is valued at more than $7 billion. French intelligence officers discovered this plan shortly after the current rebellion began, and this was one of the factors that influenced President Nicolas Sarkozy’s decision to commit France to the attack on Libya.)

The email provides a peek behind the curtain to reveal how foreign policy is often carried out in practice. While reported in the media that the Western-backed Libyan military intervention is necessary to save human lives, the real driving factor behind the intervention was shown to be the fact that Gaddafi planned to create a high degree of economic independence with a new pan-African currency, which would lessen French influence and power in the region.

The evidence indicates that when French intelligence became aware of the Libyan initiative to create a currency to compete with the Western central banking system, the decision to subvert the plan through military means began, ultimately including the NATO alliance.

MM3 – Was it you who mentioned Buffet’s Wells Fargo?

Posted by Buygold @ 16:51 on January 17, 2016  

No need to worry, they won’t have to mark to market….

Wells Fargo’s Problem Emerges: $17 Billion In Junk Energy Exposure

<Q – Mike L. Mayo>: What percent of the $17 billion is not investment grade?
<A – John R. Shrewsberry>: I would say most of it. Most of it.
<Q – Mike L. Mayo>: So most of the $17 billion is non-investment grade.
<A – John R. Shrewsberry>: Correct.

Maybe this is what is rotting beneath the core…


Posted by Buygold @ 15:55 on January 17, 2016  

Does that mean I failed the test?


Loyal Black Americans

Posted by Ororeef @ 14:58 on January 17, 2016  

got screwed under Obama ..A large % of American Blacks served in the Military and are now being dissed by Obama  .    Even Travis Smiley a black articulate guest host  on many tv shows says the Black income is down under Obama and are worse off than under previous administrations  ….The Democrats have failed them financially,educationally and by every measure they are worse off.

What Trunp should do is ask for their votes and expose Obamas & Hillarys Lies and describe how Black jobs were taken over by illegal immigrants who got favored treatment over blacks ….The Democrats Elitists dont deserve your votes seeing how Obama views your military service as your problem since you volunteered for it..

Black have done worse under Obama sez travis Smiley

Posted by Ororeef @ 14:36 on January 17, 2016  

If they get their way, you lose all your freedoms!

Posted by Auandag @ 14:34 on January 17, 2016  

In the United States, food will be the weapon of choice that will be used to be move people to the target areas. Today, people are being nudged by EPA and BLM policies to the inner city areas. In tomorrow’s world, food will be the enticer to move people to the inner city. With small farmers out of the way, only large corporate farms will exist. This is what the Ammon Bundy situation is all about. If he loses, the following will continue unabated, which means America has a date with genocide.

http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/2016/01/17/ammon-bundy-is-saving-america-from-planned-genocide/If they get their way


Posted by WANKA @ 14:21 on January 17, 2016  


Spoiler alert BG, the answer to both questions was “Yes”

Posted by macroman3 @ 13:15 on January 17, 2016  

No one else wants to play, must all be at the church of NFL

newtogold @ 2:07 on January 17, 2016 Jim Willie thanks for the Post

Posted by Ororeef @ 12:48 on January 17, 2016  

You just can’t make this shit up …..Jim is too Funny   Michal Obama had me laughing …..so hard  !   I coulda wet my pants …


Posted by Buygold @ 12:06 on January 17, 2016  

I’m thinking simply to give the illusion that bank earnings are fine when in fact they are bankrupt.

If they had to mark to market either subprime or oil loans the losses would be in the 100’s of billions. They might as well just remove them from the balance sheets because that’s essentially what they’ve done anyway.

Dallas Fed has made Oilive Black the new Linda Green

Posted by macroman3 @ 11:59 on January 17, 2016  


Question 2 regarding the Dallas Fed (head ex Goldman banker) O+G mark to fantasy on a micro level…

Posted by macroman3 @ 11:05 on January 17, 2016  

Election year engineering?

Specific large oil company on the ropes, e.g. Cheasepeake?

Specific large bank in trouble, e.g. Wells Fargo (Warren Buffett) starting the derivative dominoes?

Correct answer gets a cyber beer

newtobuygold, 00:29, to what end?

Posted by macroman3 @ 10:36 on January 17, 2016  

War coming?


cyber beer for the correct answer

floridagold — did he take a patent out

Posted by WANKA @ 10:08 on January 17, 2016  

on his invention? i’ll invest in it if its under license! what company does the kid run? does he manufacture? distribute? repair? all of the last? but especially license under private rights!

interesting concept for ‘fast beer’! everybody hates lines!!!! :mrgreen:

great oasis investment……if the price is right!



Posted by Buygold @ 8:59 on January 17, 2016  

It’s hilarious how they protect and hide banking losses. They changed the mark to market accounting rules for the banks during the subprime debacle in 2008, now since the massive oil loans are failing they suspend mark to market in those loans.

Change the rules to benefit bank balance sheets. It’s fraud plain and simple.

Newest Willie audio from1/16

Posted by newtogold @ 2:07 on January 17, 2016  



click on video post in center with pic of Golden Jackass

Boeing in South Carolina

Posted by Ororeef @ 0:45 on January 17, 2016  

is being SOLD OUT by BUSH…Trump was right that China is building plants in China and will make boeing in the US a “PARTS SUPPLIER”   ..This was glossed over by BUSH who kept saying BUT BUT not right NOW !   which was true if you want to IGNORE what the FUTURE plans are !         CHINA plans to build it own BOEING airplanes   …copy everything with BUSHes blessing   and then then   STOP buying “made in America “BOEING Airplanes” from South Carolina ……BUSH is selling us out and South Carolinians are too Stupid to see it until it smacks them in the FACE and the LATEST endorsement by Lindsay Grahm  to Bush Candidacy is a sellout to South Carolina  …..Grahm will be long gone when they make the switch from Made in America Planes to “Made in China”  ..It’ll be too late for S.Carolina and they will realize “TRUMP was RIGHT”     It aint the first time the S.Carolinians were sold out by thier Politicians……They better listen to thier Yankee Friend as he speaks the truth However brash he is  ..Maybe they prefer sweet soft spoken LIES  …..Its thier Choice!

Mark to fantasy not working- just suspened it says Fed

Posted by newtogold @ 0:29 on January 17, 2016  


Republicans should cross over

Posted by Ororeef @ 0:01 on January 17, 2016  

in some States where they can and vote for Sanders  ..It may be a good strategy  …Sanders would be easier to beat than Billery ..and it would keep Bloomberg out if he wins big..    .jus sayin   hehe

FWIW: Survive The End Days

Posted by silverngold @ 22:59 on January 16, 2016  

This is a great presentation and pretty well follows my own thinking and beliefs about the End Times and what will bring them about. I’d encourage all to read it end to end, but if you’re not interested then walk on by. Nobody”s twisting your arm.  All The Best…….Silverngold


2016=ISLAMIC STATE=the group will lose relevance, becoming target practice for other ‘Brand X’ militant groups and Western commandos.

Posted by Richard640 @ 22:37 on January 16, 2016  


Syrian Kurds take strategic dam from ‘Islamic State’

At the same time, ISIS ‘threat’ will be unmasked as to a large degree a US-media creation, a fashionable ‘flavor of the month’; the ‘New al-Qaeda’ (as opposed to ‘Classic’ version), a militarily inept criminal group with violent tendencies but little else; an instrument to mold US public opinion into an appropriately warlike form.

An alliance of US-backed Syrian Kurdish and Arab rebels has taken a key dam on the Euphrates River from the so-called “Islamic State.” The alliance has pushed back “IS” from large swaths of territory.

The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), a rebel alliance that includes the powerful YPG Kurdish militia and Arab rebel groups, wrested control of the strategic Tishreen Dam from Islamic State on Saturday after making rapid advances south earlier this week, Kurdish media reported.
Tishrin 2

Figure 4: In war — as with finance — leverage matters: Tishrin dam on the Euphrates carries the highway from Jarabulus to Manbij- to points south and east including Raqqa and Mosul in Iraq. (Washington Post/Institute for the Study of War). Taking the dam (intact) and establishing a bridgehead on the western side of the Euphrates leaves the landlocked ISIS group at the mercy of the Kurds.

The road connection with Turkey is the only way in- or out of the Islamic State caliphate with Jarabulus-Manbij as the main thoroughfare. Leaders, recruiters, wounded fighters traveling to- and through Turkey, troop replacements from the rest of the Middle East and elsewhere, all ISIS military supplies must travel through this territory; trucks carrying purloined crude travel the other direction. As of now there is no scheduled airline service to/from anywhere in the Islamic State.

The group is responding to the existential threat by adopting a lifeboat strategy: upping efforts to organize in Libya and elsewhere in Africa. Stripped of its precious caliphate heartland and its leadership dead, captured or on the run, the group will lose relevance, becoming target practice for other ‘Brand X’ militant groups and Western commandos. In our current Islamic world without pity, every sign of weakness is an invitation to murder. At the same time, ISIS ‘threat’ will be unmasked as to a large degree a US-media creation, a fashionable ‘flavor of the month’; the ‘New al-Qaeda’ (as opposed to ‘Classic’ version), a militarily inept criminal group with violent tendencies but little else; an instrument to mold US public opinion into an appropriately warlike form.

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.