OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

Maddog @ 14:57

Posted by ipso facto @ 16:47 on January 12, 2016  

“size of Trump’s Rallys”

Yeah that’s gotta mean something. No gray man like the others.

Re: the market. At least we came back some and cut the loss.

Maddog @ 15:55 NEM

Posted by Ororeef @ 16:16 on January 12, 2016  

the Low of $15.75 suggests a future High of $70 for NEM    ..the lower it goes now ..the higher the future price

At current Gold prices for NEWMONT a FAIR price is $33.00   .even at the current gold suppressed price !

When I say monster offers

Posted by Maddog @ 16:12 on January 12, 2016  

on my screen most of the time the bid offers are 30 by 30 ie. in the 10’s…sometimes they go into the 100’s…..when NEM went 17.02 bid the offer was 1750 !!!!!.

That was all taken, so some serious buying today and only Kamikaze sellers @ the close in all shares especially GDX stopped an even better close.

Absent the Rig we would have a roaring bull mkt.


Posted by goldielocks @ 16:11 on January 12, 2016  

Re This is exactly what Trump proposes for cars made in Mexico a 30 % TAX to prevent the loss of jobs …We never saw the supposed benefit of CHEAPER prices for cars as they promised us for allowing them entry. where the Fairness ? TRUMP nailed it exactly….

exactly!!thats just more bull the white collared criminals come up with to legitimize outsourcing for profit. Even if it is lower for a while in which this case it wasn’t it sneaks up and by then it’s too late and they know it.

Yep Im well aware of what they’re doing or part of it anyways and it’s a plain brain dead idea. Like you experienced hiring a muslim baker quite funny and he was a hirable one. Not to mention the possible terrorist schemes that can come with it. Cars falling apart, planes falling from the sky’s while they strip search your wives and daughters at the air port. What a joke.


Posted by Ororeef @ 16:00 on January 12, 2016  

this is because Government leaders are corrupt .They have opted for CHEAP LABOR for Industry against the citizens interests….  We have the same problem……resulting in falling wages …its NO surprise wages wont go up  !   Its a RACE to the bottom…..Industry demands cheaper labor because of competition resulting in falling wages …World wide labor rates set by the lowest cost country is NUTS …..The rates need to be comparable to major trading partners between equals or near equals with TAXes  on extreme low wages producers to equalize and prevent  the loss of jobs .


This is exactly what Trump proposes for cars made in Mexico a 30 % TAX to prevent the loss of jobs …We never saw the supposed benefit of CHEAPER prices for cars as they promised us for allowing them entry.   where the Fairness ?   TRUMP nailed it exactly….

Monster offer of Nem @ 1703 taken out !!!!!!

Posted by Maddog @ 15:55 on January 12, 2016  

Trying to stop the General ( NEM) from going positive

Posted by Maddog @ 15:47 on January 12, 2016  

Next run for Gold

Posted by Ororeef @ 15:35 on January 12, 2016  

GG future high is 87.16should bring a high minimum of $52-$87.15 for GG  if my charts are correct ,but a higher Gold price changes everything thats the nature of Ratios

Mr Copper 12:44

Posted by goldielocks @ 15:30 on January 12, 2016  

I don’t think Trump will have a problem challenging the media if they try their propaganda. Meanwhile I heard in Germany they fired the police chief for trying to hide from public and media the attacks on citizens by African and Mid East refugees. Now found it was planned. So much for NSA but we know it’s not there for safety of citizens anyways. The mayor used him as a fall guy for her brain dead response of saying just stay at arms lenght, yeah that will do it mayor.

Now if you have to stay at arms lenght from these criminals why are they allowing them refugee status in the first place.  Yet the media was all over the protestor or patriots and even used water cannons on them.

When I worked at the jail once in awhile on call we had to be careful how we dressed and had to stay at arms feet away. Same BS but they let them loose on the public and more ignorant and dangerous than the average person they jail.

Some of this stuff is just waaay too cheap

Posted by Buygold @ 15:20 on January 12, 2016  

Weird day overall but stocks like GG, EGO, RGLD, EXK are just ridiculous right now.

Someone will make serious cash when this is all said and done.

Hard to believe we are back to these prices.

Dow Gold Ratio

Posted by Ororeef @ 15:08 on January 12, 2016  

dow Gold ratioover priced with a bottom near 10,000..notice how the recent top is right at the TOP suggested near the beginning of the chart (solid black line)

This seems to suggest that W.D.Gann was correct in that a previous LOW  has a connection to a Future HIGH and vice versa.

It also suggests that the price of GOLD sets the Future RANGE of Highs and LOWS for everything …?

ipso facto

Posted by Maddog @ 14:57 on January 12, 2016  

Look at the size of his rallies…..no-one is close to those numbers.

One of my Strange Charts ..I invented

Posted by Ororeef @ 14:56 on January 12, 2016  

slw bottom

that seeks to incorporate the Gold Ratio into a stock just like the Gold -Dow Ratio ..Its a Gold, Stock Ratio ….It does show the range that a stock trades relative to Gold .It shows how many shares it takes to buy a ounce of Gold at current prices for both and establishes a RANGE for the number of shares it takes  for a given period of time. The guide is that Gold is the yardstick  as a tool for measuring the normal range for a stock .So SLW has a near term(5 year) bottom of 9.50 and a range near $42 as a top .It suggests SLW is at the bottom and extreme end of the range.The solid black line suggests the top price given current conditions & current gold prices .as is visible large swings occur where sometimes SLW is over valued when solid black line is below the trading price ans suggests a fair price when the lines cross .But always seems to oscillate between over valued and undervalued  while always comparing how it establishes the high and lows compared to GOLD …the yardstick..I use RENKO charts to reduce false signals and two versions of slow stochastic a reliable momentum signal.It seems to be accurate for determining tops and bottoms within the range .

The Ratio is super imposed behind the price chart  so one can see how it oscillates above and below current price.

It also works very well for DJIA and shows how over priced DOW stocks are compared to GOLD as in DOW, GOLD RATIO   and suggests currently a 40-50 % overprice currently in which case the Solid black line is pictured below and stock price at some higher level  while the spread shows the degree of overprice again compared to current Gold Price  (the yardstick) .Using Gold in this manner gives a stable starting point rather than something like R/E Ratios which are functions of money rates  and subject to manipulation .

Maddog, Samb

Posted by ipso facto @ 14:49 on January 12, 2016  

I was reading someplace that there’s a sizeable portion of the population who when polled say that they’d never vote for Trump … but they are just a bit embarrassed to admit it, and when in privacy of the voting booth will pull the lever for him.


Posted by Maddog @ 14:17 on January 12, 2016  

What I don’t get is why the bookies are showing Hellary as clear leader to win, she is @ 8/11 on…yet she has a huge e-mail/Foundation problem, which is almost certain to either get her indicted, or provide Trump with even more ammo against her…..not that he is lacking in ammo.

Trump by the way is 5 to 1….a darn good bet imo.

Chelsea Clinton

Posted by Samb @ 13:33 on January 12, 2016  

Hillary already has problems with Bill Clinton stumping for her. Now she trots out Chelsea who is speaking  for Hillary in New Hampshire. Unbelievable!! Would even the most rabid progressive Libtard  care what Chelsea has to say? Shows you just how vapid and mind stupid the Democrat party has become.

justin bieber tragic news

Posted by treefrog @ 13:14 on January 12, 2016  

Music fans in mourning as Justin Bieber tragically confirmed alive and well


Posted by Maddog @ 13:01 on January 12, 2016  

She is Mad…..I dread to think what they call her in Bavaria.

Cruz another puppet

Posted by goldielocks @ 12:45 on January 12, 2016  

Selling out the wetlands and resources to foreign sources. He’ll take fiat beads for our land. He was also behind the TPP with will quadruple visas to foreign workers and only put on a show and backed off once they had enough votes.

Cruz Pushes Agenda 21 Wildlands Project!

Ororeef @ 11:25 Food For Thought

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 12:44 on January 12, 2016  

Any time in the past, when a new leader gets in, in foreign countries like you mentioned, and goes against global big business, reneging on mining drilling agreements etc, the new leader is called a leftist communist.

If Trump gets in and does all the things he said he would do, re Americans first, foreigners last, he will be referred to in the communist mass media of today, “A leftist communist”.

Keep in mind. The leftist blamed the 1929 crash on the gold standard. The recent 2008 crash was also blamed “on capitalism” which does not exist. The communist leftist media ALWAYS redirects attention in the wrong direction.


Posted by goldielocks @ 12:38 on January 12, 2016  

Stopped just above support yesterday after breaching it earlier in the morning or the support I found. Expected a possible bounce today but doesn’t look good. People are afraid of the PMs yet but I expect most long suffering bugs will be on top of it when it moves. Think it will be choppy even taking bugs by surprise. Hopefully it starts making recognizable higher lows and higher highs in time. They will probably make nervous traders with choppy moves from one side to another. Might be a sign of reactive buying selling and you know the big hogs get to eat first before it opens for the rest of the crowd so hopefully you can be there a day ahead of the reactions.

Unbelievable, Yet Merkel want to bring in more

Posted by Auandag @ 11:50 on January 12, 2016  


More ruthless bombing in SLW

Posted by eeos @ 11:45 on January 12, 2016  

Guess I’ll be waiting another 20 years

AlL this bad news

Posted by Ororeef @ 11:25 on January 12, 2016  

is exactly what happens when a Communist takes over a Government ..Its all been done before..Cuba Venezuela,Bolivia ..Investment stops completely and unless a radical change happens next election we will be stuck here for the next 40 years ….Once communists get political control the only way to get them out is “feet first”  ….This is just the beginning.   It took Russia 70 years to recover,China ditto….In Cuba the bullet holes in walls were still there 60 years later as nobody fixes anything or repairs anything because there no reward for improving anything…so why bother.Foreign reserves,gold gets stolen by Government employees so they can live better than the rest…..The Clintons are Communists  ..Bill was trained in London and Russia and it was they that sold us out.   It was Clintons Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin  that converted all US DEBT from long term to Short term debt that set the stage for todays financial crisis ..all under the pretext of “balancing the Budget” ..it was nothing but slight of hand to give a short term appearance of solving budgets..The Clintons are Communists to the core as radical as any from the Russian revolution.  Murder,dope dealing,sex scandals follow them everywhere they go  .Deceit ,sell outs of your constitutional rights are planned and Gun control is the last to FALL before a complete takeover with tanks in the streets occurs….    Masters of DECEIT   in the midst of nieve Americans ….ALL this bad news was very predictable.

The Banksters were part of the plot …put them all in debt ,give away their jobs ,steal their savings and impovish them reduce their Social Security support mechanism  by no increases ,to destroy their independence  put them all on Food Stamps and Government dependence under the Pretext of “helping them “….Yes it was all PLANNED executed by Bankster money Lenders and Political Deception….Just like Lenin ,Trotsky followed by Saul Alinsky “Reverand” Wright , Bill Clinton,Obama and the worst Liar and Deceitful of them all.. Hillary !

Israeli Navy’s newest submarine ‘Rahav’ arrives in Haifa

Posted by ipso facto @ 11:01 on January 12, 2016  

The Israeli Navy’s fifth and newest submarine, the INS Rahav, arrived Tuesday afternoon at a Navy base in Haifa following a 3,500-mile voyage from the German port of Kiel.
The Super Dolphin II-class submarine is one of the most advanced in the world in terms of its offensive capabilities, intelligence systems, defenses and operational range. According to foreign sources, it can carry cruise missiles with nuclear warheads, and is part of Israel’s “second strike” force for existential threat situations. No Israeli political or military source has ever confirmed those reports.
At the official welcoming ceremony, President Reuven Rivlin called the Rahav “the IDF’s most intimidating, advanced, sophisticated and expensive war machine,” while Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon said the submarine adds “a new dimension to our power.”
Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu along with the IDF Chief of Staff, Lieut. Gen. Gady Eisenkot, and the Commander of the Navy, Major General Ram Rutenberg, also participated in the ceremony.


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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.