Robert VESCO found out IOS Investors Overseas services the First European Mutual Fund run by Bernie Cornfield was going BUST ..but Vesco discovered Bernie Cornfield its founder had hid 250 millions in the Bahamas ..He set up a RESCUE plan and announced he was going to invest as much as it took to rescue them..
In the mean time he looted Cornfields money in the Bahamas pretended it was his money and gave a little good faith money back to IOS in order to keep his scam going….Then he attempted to buy himself some prison protection by dropping a suitcase full money on Richard Nixons desk..
WEll that backfired and he became a criminal himself and finally Vesco disappeared with the 200 millions and was last seen in Brazil Bolivia and finally Cuba where I suspect the communists got their hands on him and killed him ….The money never found its way back to anyplace that would claim it least no publicly… Putting the Final NAIL in a big Company can be very profitable if your clever enough ..but you might die doing it !
You cant make this shit up ..theres nothing new in the world of scams!