Auandag @ 13:34…..Totally Agree!!
IMO there is a Government/BLM agenda to get these ranchers off the land in any way possible, as shown by the way they were treating Lavoy long before they finally assassinated him. IMO this all ties in with Obama sending Hillary Clinton to China when he first took office to give them Eminent Domain over the US if the US defaults on it’s debt to China.
The product of open borders
LA from gun control to arm yourselves citizens. There’s not enough of us. I heard that back in the late 70s early 80s. Must be far worse now.
Re The Idiots Running The US Economy with more Middle Class In Lower Tax Brackets
When the US middle class was prospering, from 1945 to 1975-80, (before importing consumer products) we got constant raises, to keep up with the inflation, and unwittingly pushed us up into higher and higher tax brackets.
Unfortunately, resulting in higher taxes but NOT higher living standards. In other words, higher taxes with no real better headway.
Nowadays? The middle class LAGGING INFLATION since 1980 onward IMPORTING is a lot smaller, and because the wages have LAGGED higher taxes and higher living expenses, more and more middle class folks have been pushed or falling into LOWER tax brackets. Many pay NO taxes, infact ABSORB taxes now
Many people now qualify for Medicaid, food stamps, and earned income tax credits. Which in turn puts more pressure, higher income and property taxes on the remaining middle class.
silverngold @ 12:51 That is an outright murder of a good man
The US govt. is out of control. Lavoy showed a lot of restraint in my opinion!
Seems at last they are pukeing the Hui/Gld spread…along with all the other crowded trades
Spread has gone out by 25 % since 1/19…last at 1.195…when it takes out 1.23…stand back.
Stock charts calling 190 for Hui…that’s @ 50 % up from here !!!!!!!
If that even gets likely loads of money will pile in……still need > 140 to reallyconfirm move..but Ag has break out…….Scum not happy, not happy at all.,PRTADANRBO[PA][D][F1!3!!!2!20]
The Tao of LaVoy Finicum. Here are the words of an honest man. RIP Lavoy
Fed Wants Inflation ……IN WHAT ?
Try inflating wages instead of DEBT ! Their sphere of influence is in monetary instruments …thats NOT where we need more inflation ! We have TOO much inflation there ! TOO much DEBT! They inflated their Balance Sheets ..that not good ! They bought a bunch of Crap !
They are a financial institution which means they encourage the creation of DEBT ..thats what they MEAN by inflation !..Thats not what we NEED .
They want to INFLATE YOUR DEBT ! STOP INFLATION…shut down the FED …Print currency and give it directly to citizens and bypass the BANKSTERS at zero interest rate …Stop Inflation NOW ..DEBT INFLATION…
Double Social Security Payments by Printing Treasury NOTES with zero interest RATES and that will REDUCE DEBT INFLATION in COSTS and PRICES and CREATE GOOD inflation in your Bank ACCOUNT !
color co-ordinated disconnect again
gdx, gdxj, xau, hui all green
s&p, naz, dow all red
Tensions will rise during elections. People are getting sick and tired of the manipulation by these idiots using words schemes what ever they can to steer people in the direction they want. Look up manipulation tactics as well as social manipulation. They also include tears like Ovomits tears while trying to upsurp the constitution. They’ve pulled them all from words to acts of force.. For your good of course. There all there. Also honest people don’t always see others are dishonest, until they do. I tried to warn a friend many years ago about moving to a cheaper area. Told her you might not think like then doing any harm but doesn’t mean they won’t. Months later she was attacked after leaving the hospital someone in wait in bushes near her house when she got out of the car. She survived the ordeal but dislocated a lot of her fingers holding on to her purse but he didn’t get it.
Also even I could miss the territorial atmosphere of some areas when in LA but there everywhere. I don’t think women pick up on it as fast as men less their taught too. I’m not condoning and sexist personal attacks and frankly doesn’t help as it is just another form of manipulation that we won’t like you if your not on the bandwagon with us. No different than if your not with us your against us is not always true. I remember even I had a misconception of something going on in Israel years ago till I asked someone here then started doing my own checking best I could. Now looking at Europe the rest of the world can see what it is.
It just shows the MSM is reaching beyond our borders and this may be beyond a even a bipartisan move but global move in trying to coordinate elections and as we know the ones that don’t play ball like Assad the games will become more violent. It’s time each country get a handle on it or were all doomed. Know them by their deeds be Rubio in the Gang of eight or show man Cruz being a farmer one place a preacher in another Iowa. Without Trump he’d have a boring platform. Preaching the Bible in one place while lying about Carson dropping out in the same place to steal his votes. As one patriot said as far as him and King something all christian nations know. Thou shalt not bear false witness.we got a lot of that gong on.
Love this Martin Armstrong quote
“The difference between STUPIDITY and GENIUS is very clear: GENIUS has its limits”
Ain’t that the truth!! LOL!!!
I hope the jackarse bears
over at the other site propel the move up. I seee the magic hand is protecting the general stock market right here. We’ll just call it an “electronic curb” that prevents it all from barfing out at once
Let us know when you cover your SLW puts.
Don’t wait too long!
Sign me up amigo, I want to sip wine from golden goblets!
ipso facto 10:15 perhaps just maybe
possibly mayhaps we’ll get paid the most if we ‘protest’ protesting? yes by gads we’ll be gazillionairs! rich I say rich. wj
This is it! 🙂
… or maybe not.
Someone is thinking long term or maybe they just have too much money
Luxembourg joins race to conquer space mining