It would be the Bank of JAPAN that would start a GOLD RUSH ! The cognoscenti thought it would be China !
Japan decided to manipulate the SAVERS into spending money so the Politicians could get their hands on it ,but instead they bought Gold .
They tried to PUNISH savers and had the Banks charge them a fee for holding their money while interest rates were at ZERO ..Those crafty Japanese know its the “RETURN of your money “thats more important than “Return on Money” .Then they try to require any withdrawals had to be by check made payable to another Bank ! This is a country that had NO Social Security system for their retirement .Thats why savings were so HIGH!
Maybe that was better than having a SS System that Government controlled ….How is Japans Tax on capital any different than the US NOT giving a Cost of Living increase to SS while inflation runs 10 % in the real world. Thats theft of Purchasing Power.! Both are GOVERNMENTS theft from the Private SECTOR! It always comes down to that dosent it ? If you ever needed of proof that Governments are too big thats it.They will steal your savings by inflation or just grab the cash in your savings account ! Greece did the same thing ,now ASIA has adopted Greece version of Government theft .
just watch the Velocity of money collapse and the money Supply in Japan leave the country … Lots of it coming to America’s large Capital markets for a while.Then the end Game is physical when the Dollar gets too strong for any exports to survive . Paper GOLD will sky Rocket first .because its over sold compared to that relic stuff…….