Deutsche Bank Stock Crashes To Record Low
Goldman Capitulates: Closes Out 5 Of Its 6 Top Trades For 2016 With A Loss
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/09/2016 – 10:01
Just 40 full days into 2016, not only has Goldman been closed out on its Top Trade for 2016, namely being long the USD vs both the Yen and the Euro, but virtually all of its other trades: according to a just released update, Goldman has just been stopped out – with a loss – on 5 of its 6 top trades for 2016.
knukles’s picture
Just remember kiddies! That great money making idea you just had has already been discovered and exploited by somebody far smarter than you!
And now they’re losing their ass, so don’t even think about it.
Have a great day!
Repeat after me: Cash, long Treasuries, munis and Gold.
No gloating. Start plotting your next move …. what to do when the fire sale gets here!