Yep, Another appears to have known a thing or two, although his timing was a bit off. Guess even with his depth of understanding even he failed to comprehend how large a pit these banksters had dug, or the extreme which they would go to (get away with ?) Another of his sayings, and sorry, but my version (memory) is a bit paraphrased: ” When the Lions begin to feast, it is best for the little dog to lay quietly, content with what he has in his stomach.” Those few holding some ounces best beware as the banksters begin to feast on each other in earnest.
Should be an exciting (difficult) year for both nations and markets. Glad we have the Oasis to keep us informed and lend perspective to events as they unfold.
Oh yeah, I think we should be nice to the ole Reef Dweller in the No Wake Zone. The old codger might just end up owning a few of those banks before this is all done. (grin) Course, why he would trade a few ounces for a vault full of paper promises is yet to be explained. lol