The problem is not with one man, be president or Judge but the life of the principles of the United States” for which it stands. ” This cannot come without checks or balances while meeting the challenges of this era to sustain and strengthen or or we let it die and doom our own future. War will not solve our problems or there’s but those seeking to impose or create a different world against those principles would seek to destroy ours.
If nations wish to be equal regardless of strength to remain sovereign we need a servant and educated representative to those principles not a individual with their own agenda or madman or woman who will see its demise.
Armstrong mentioned once as far as the economy and pretty sure he meant globally about his computer model showing with today’s current event we will crash and burn before change. There could be hope for a better solution but they won’t listen so his computer is right.
We are no longer a United Nations for peace but looking for war to solve problems that solve none.
No matter if we tried there would still be radicals and conflict threatening borders so without these checks and balances and borders there will be no sovereignty here or there.
I think many now their eyes are opened to that we are left to limited choices because the ones perhaps that could are either eliminated or not standing up.
We have war mongering insanity on board or the inmates are running the asylum.
We ” or they” are doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past is not the only thing at risk right now but the sovereignty of individual nations.
Buygold 17:22
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