of begging Paul RYAn to please take the Speaker position was a shamefull act of Scheming in the Republican Party .What a dispicable bunch that took control of the Party of TAFT of yore .Reagan didnt want nothing to do with the BIG OIL ,BIG BANK wing of the Party and their BUSH wing.
REAGAN was in the same situation Trump is in today the Party blackmails him to split itself down to defeat if he dont take on a VP that gives the Banksters their foothold.
Trumps advantage is the Democrats are so corrupt that Trump dont need the Republican Bankster wing to win ,he just need the conservative wing ,the evangelicals and the discusted Democrats to run a Third Party campaign.It could be the conditions are right for a change ..something that Perot didnt have.! Hey TRUMPSTER go for it ..call their bluff .Tell them they have to join YOU if they want to win ! Reform the GOP and kick the Banksters out ..remake the GOP with the MIDDLE CLASS voters and screw the Socialists ,the Banksters and Clintonistas !