He is very wrong talking like that and blaming countries. The countries are not in control. Its the global corporations that control the politicians and or influence gov’ts.
They get permission to operate across international borders, to avoid US taxes and labor. Some of them actually get tax incentives to move production overseas. The cost cutting benefits they get enable them to bankrupt or hurt small domestic companies, that employ 80% of the workforce. Then they can’t afford to give health care benefits. Many end up closing down or move off shore.
You could even say the Banks are part of the global gov’t too. Whoever controls the money controls the country and or the world. All those central banks around the world work together.
Trump should blame global corporation and global banks, and not blame countries. Its not likely these countries are independent and doing their own thing. They are all just along for the ride. Gov’ts or global businesses pick the winners and losers.
I strongly suspect its finally USA’s turn for a rebuild, and they already started the process after ’08. Too little too late though, and Trump jumps in, in front of them or chosen by them and with them.
Time will tell.