imagine waking up to…….
Mr Copper
True you have that down pretty good but I think Trump is communicating on a level the general population can understand. When you got so many people worrying how there gonna pay their bills, keep a roof over there heads, or keep food on the table they’re not gonna care about what big business is doing. They just want the bleeding to stop.
This is where the Demos come in with the blame games. Blame it in the rich, blame it on the whites or christians or Jews or whatever. Pulling a blanket over their heads and causing civil unrest and race and religion baiting. The poorest and least educated will fall for it as well as minorities and do gooders because it’s the only thing they have that makes them feel superior in a so called do gooder way. Help the poor this or that when they can’t even help the ones already here or sometimes themselves. It’s easier to say to people on a bell curve IQ of 100 they’re killing us instead of Bla Bla bla which might go over their heads or distress them even more.
Then we have the Repubs talking about the 2nd the border and jobs while they vote amnesty or Cruz wanting to quadruple visas. Neither side dares talk about the Debt because both sides are guilty. Neither side stopped the theft of social security. Bush took out 100 % of the reserves meant for baby boomers. Borrow they say but where’s the money going back in for decades now. Taking from the working class to give to others is socialism and both are guilty,
Perhaps some of it will come out during the Presidential debate. The Dems try to play the bring jobs home is racist. Don’t complain about robbing America or your racist. So far it looks like the Hitery email breach all talk. They seem worried how it will affect the elections.
Who knows with all the global problems some of these companies would rather come back. Probably doubtful. Trump would be good for corporate taxes and perhaps stop the expansion of taxes on citizens like Obama care as well as what people bring home. As it is now they penalize people for making more money.
appears to be forming a cup bottom on the daily futures charts.
Did Obama throw Hillary under the bus?
Law enforcement cannot grant immunity. It must come from the legal system. The guy that set up the server in hillaries closet has been given immunity from prosecution. Hillary is going to get tried in a legal court or the court of public opinion.
nobody gave Bernie a chance at the beginning of the campaign. He is carrying most of the states that are not supported by food stamps.
things are going to get far more interesting than they already are.