Yeah, keep on printing boyz. Its a race to the bottom and throw in negative interest rates for fun.
I think the Central Banks have got it right actually. Print money and buy gold ! I can remember the days when Central Banks where selling gold. Stupid is as stupid does I guess. Glad to see they have reversed course and stocking up on the ounces these days. Hmmm….wonder what changed their mind??  Sell gold at 400….buy it back at 1200. Bright bunch they are. 🙂
Have a great one. ITS FRIDAY !!  YaaaHuii  !! Get a few chores done and head to town. Later, Farmboy
Ps) I see Moggy is tied up at the moment….oh wait…its YOUR cat. Well, I aint messin with the rat killer. I’ll just ride my bike to town.