maybe its because I worked in and near NY and understand the PUSHy attitude ,its dosent offend me because I think the Mid Class needs that sort of attitude to rectify whats been done to them .They have been SOLD OUT to anyone with the BUCKS to bribe a Politician especially foreigners who with their Socialistic attitudes have stagnant economies and have been INVITED to bribe their way to steal JOBS from America .Guys like Bill GATES are just looking for CHEAP educated labor ,they force employees to train their foreign replacements .Thats like a mafia hit man holding a GUN on a victim while he digs his own grave ! It adds insult to injury !.
If you dont fight back the Jackals think you are WEAK and treat YOU with CONTEMPT .!
The very same people that complain about Trump say nothing about GATES MAFIA tactics..making you dig your own Grave.. .Real Men do curse when its appropriate ..if you NEED a GUARD DOG you dont hire a PUG ,!