is being PAINTED as a “MODERATE” …this is not unusual for Democrats to use language to fool the masses.They call black .white and day ..night when it suits them knowing that people dont want to “THINK” they want to be told what to do !
He is not a “MODERATE” ,but just another left wing from the DC COURTS and would be the FORTH Jewish Justice to bring to the Court their Socialist views .Painting him as a “MODERATE” is a crime against the English Language .He is FOR GUN CONTROL and has the deciding vote to UNDO everything Scalia did to protect us,and will undo Reagans efforts to balance the Court with a conservative voice.
Just because someone is soft spoken and mild manered dosent mean he wont “Pick your POCKET” and your Constitutional rights. !
I dont care how mild mannered he is if he takes my rights away,nor do I care how GRUFF someone is if he Protect my rights .
I dont vote for manners ,but POLICY !