I still think there is some political brinkmanship going on with the IRAN nuke deal. Ovomit couldn’t get Isreal to submit so took it to the extreme and yet is not impeached.
I still think there is some political brinkmanship going on with the IRAN nuke deal. Ovomit couldn’t get Isreal to submit so took it to the extreme and yet is not impeached.
I have to disagree with you on higher gas prices don’t hurt people. They do hurt people when their wages dont rise to accommodate the rising prices taking from their income.
They may sit all day at work but the costs incured by week or month in travel can double. 25 a week turns into 50, 50 a week turns s into 100. It might be okay if work is around the corner but not across town or farther like most. Also higher gas brings other prices up including food which is also too high as it really didn’t go down all that much after the 08 high but a little better. I remember at the high seeing a Hershey’s candy bar one of those big ones for 10 dollars. I couldn’t believe my eyes. All I could think was well this year a bunch of kids are gonna be saved from the dentist. I was thinking if I wanted some candy least knew out to make it and already bough up supplies when I saw it was gonna rise for baking. So yes it does make a difference. It just doesn’t make a difference economically with wages or creating jobs with lower prices either way. In California they used the lower prices as a exuse to add another dollar tax per gallon. They won’t drop that it it rises again, there too ,!!! brain dead unethically corrupt.
is being PAINTED as a “MODERATE” …this is not unusual for Democrats to use language to fool the masses.They call black .white and day ..night when it suits them knowing that people dont want to “THINK” they want to be told what to do !
He is not a “MODERATE” ,but just another left wing from the DC COURTS and would be the FORTH Jewish Justice to bring to the Court their Socialist views .Painting him as a “MODERATE” is a crime against the English Language .He is FOR GUN CONTROL and has the deciding vote to UNDO everything Scalia did to protect us,and will undo Reagans efforts to balance the Court with a conservative voice.
Just because someone is soft spoken and mild manered dosent mean he wont “Pick your POCKET” and your Constitutional rights. !
I dont care how mild mannered he is if he takes my rights away,nor do I care how GRUFF someone is if he Protect my rights .
I dont vote for manners ,but POLICY !
not just a little ,but designed to garner maximum effect ! call me cynical ,but I small a Rat when prices move against bullion especially going into the worst seasonal period for gold stocks and knowing the FEDS PENCHANT for STERLIZING what they do .
My charts say the 17th was the last day so maybe tomorrow does or dosent confirm anything ,but it is a TURNING POINT .
and I dont argue with my logic and reflect on emotions of the masses which always get them in trouble .To get to the POINT
I think its a TRAP.! WE shall see ,its only one mans opinion…