Just who owns the Public Airways ? They use them by LICENCE ! This monopoly needs to be busted up.! REVOKE the LICENCE !
Election time is a DRAIN on the economy and a BOOM for the LICENCE HOLDERS ! BILLIONS and BILLIONS are drained from the economy !
To BENEFIT WHO ! ..Public FUNDING is in order ..FRee ELECTIONS TIME is whats needed ! SET aside time for election time for the REAL OWNERS ..The People ! ,as a PUBLIC SERVICE ! Its a Price they need to PAY for the Privledge of use of the PUBLIC AIRWAYS.
What gives anybody the right to use PUBLIC Property for EXCLUSIVE Private USE ! Its the Licence ! ELECTIONS are a common usage TIME to be cut out of the Private monopolys. Let them go Compete for the Revenue like everybody does ! Election time need not drag on for a year or more enough already ! Who needs to have election circuses monopolize Entertain time ! If NOT have 50 % of Election Revenue return to the PUBLIC TREASURY !
TO Balance the BUDGET ..If Political Partys have so Damm much money to Spend …RETURN HALF of it back to the PUBLIC TREASURY !