says “We are at War”….They havent got a clue to fight a War ! Im old enough to remember WW2 .NOw days They think they can TALK them to death !
Give the Military the Go to get into those Neighborhoods that sheltered criminals and shoot the Bastards… clean them out ! ..
WE had a situation way back when in Philadelphia where a whole city block was infested with Black Panthers & Muslims ..The Government went in and BURNT the place down ..everybody ! ..dropped fire bombs from helicopters and wiped them all out very successfully .War is Brutal you kill or be Killed ,if you cant do it ..get out of the W AY and SHUT UP ! Holding Prayer meetings and laying Flowers dosent cut it ! It just gives those that are in CHARGE AN EXCUSE to do nothing because they think the People are satisfied with that and dont want any trouble…War is Brutal ..The other side is waging WAR while the WEST says their Prayers…Thats what happens when everyone is a Feminist ! Do you think Lesbians and Gays will go to WAR ?
I wouldent bet my security on them ! Politicians are a bunch of weak kneed TAWKERS ..all they do is tawk like a bunch of old women… while innocents get blown to bits. The West better wake up ! Get those Muslims out of here and West Europe …It not a violation of our RELIGEOUS HERITAGE to ban MUSLIMS because ISLAM is NOT a RELIGEON ..Its a GOVERNMENT ..A THEOCRASY The Proof is they have SHARIA LAW that makes them a GOVERNMENT ..not a Religeon. You can ban them since the Constitution requires citizenship and you cant be a citizen of BOTH GOVERNMENTS and obey BOTH sets of LAW. ISLAM is a GOVERNMENT ….get them out! ITS NOT A VIOLATION of our Religeous Heritage ! you idiots that keep repeating that nonsence! Its a Government and VIOLATES OUR CONSTITUTION.!