The PM in Canada news coming out here and there.he’s a socialist. News about his plans to allow them in there too and numbers vary.
In England who took poor family’s going on welfare and housing staples allowing these men to live like welfare kings having multi wives and 20 children each. They are enabling them to do this on tax payers dollar where in their country they wouldn’t be able to afford it. Apparently they don’t have to abide by that country’s laws. There should be some agreement they must have to sign when entering of following the laws and if they don’t it will be grounds for deportation.
They seem to cause so much problems as we can see in Europe, once they hit significant numbers with minority rights and claiming ignorance to their crimes which is a excuse but when if they are the majority there is no minority rights. They are not a peaceful religion if you look at what’s going on even in their country and even if they got rid of ISIS another group will pop up in its place.
Trumps idea is better to keep them there in a safe place.
To bring the fight to them instead of letting them being it to us. These leaders have shown their incompetence and total disregard for their countries Im order to overpopulated nations and bring them to third world status like herding cattle.
Obama is a embarrassment and again went and defended muslims while disrespecting the victims of these attacks and refuses to close the borders even now. As one foreign speaker said he wants to act like a celebrity going to baseball games instead of a leader. There’s your clown.
Maddog with the current leaders were all going to have problems
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