George Soros created and provides funding to MoveOn.Org, a leftist activist group that has been protesting Trump rallies in Chicago, Kansas City and Ohio. The protesters have initiated violence, blocked roads, spewed hate speech. The media have twisted this around and accused Trump of the usual stuff such as racism, bigotry and as usual support for Donald grows. MoveOn.Org directly supports Bernie Sanders who is pushing the socialist agenda to new heights, probably to guage just how much USA will support or tolerate depending on Dem or GOP alignment. This is to benefit Hillary in the long run as Sanders was never meant to be the Democratic Establishment nominee.
George Soros sold out his Jewish neighbours to the Nazi’s and even went as far as stealing their valuable items such as gold teeth after they were killed. Trudeau met him in Davos and Soros told Trudeau that his financial management was a little misguided. My response would be that Trudeau is way off track and into the realm of a train crash. Why Soros hasn’t been eliminated by Putin is one big question. The other question is who is slated to replace him?
George Soros sold out his Jewish neighbours to the Nazi’s and even went as far as stealing their valuable items such as gold teeth after they were killed. Trudeau met him in Davos and Soros told Trudeau that his financial management was a little misguided. My response would be that Trudeau is way off track and into the realm of a train crash. Why Soros hasn’t been eliminated by Putin is one big question. The other question is who is slated to replace him?