runs as an independent He Could WIN ! and destroy BOTH PARTYS……wouldent that be a HOOT!…
Hillary looks likeky to be indicted ,Bernie is a Socialist supported by the YOUNG and DUMB …..Bernies too old and wants to redistribute everything just like Venezuela did,and Hillary will likely die soon,if you watch her health and coughing with fainting spells ! Trump could easily win without the Republicans if they try to steal the election with corrupt back room deals at the Convention. The Democrats are so corrupt its a disgrace ,they dont care how ..they just want to win….Trump has Independents,Blue Collar middle class voters that both Partys have sold OUT for the LAST 20 years ….
I think he could reshape both Parties if he wants to make the effort ,if he dosent we ARE DESTENED TO HAVE chaos & RIOTS ,A dictatorship ON OUR HORIZON probably via Military. Nobodys vote counts anymore ! at Conventions.If you dont want Trump ,he could look like a sweet genteel man when you compare him to the NEXT GUY that fills that void. Perot gave up and we got Trump ,if Trump gives up watch out for the NEXT GUY ..they will get increasingly more Militarist and Brutal.We will have an attempted Communist takeover and Chaos ! Obama will make his move at Dictatorship ! The current situation is exactly what brought Communists to Power in RUSSIA,CUBA ,Venezuela and the only way to get them out is FEET FIRST …look how long CUBA LASTED !,Venezuela dont even have toilet PAPER yet they cling to Power ! ALL that stands in their way is the 2nd Amendment and thats looking very shaky ! Guns are the KEY …Putin was quoted as saying “we would never invade America ,”they all got Guns” “….and if they dont ?