some people have never put the Flag connection in its proper place ! They never knew what the difference between the Flag with the Gold Fringe and the original Stars Bars Flag ! A very important distinction ! The Young are Dumb ..many of them ! They just dont know how we got where we ARE AT .THe Gold Fringe is a Corporation Flag ! THE UNITED STATES CORPORATION (ALL CAPS)! “The United States” as in Under the Constitution is the Original ! correctly The States United under the Constitution….The Gold Fringe Flag represents Admirality Law ..You HAVE NO Constitutional Rights under Admiralty Law………… If you are ever summond to Court and the SUMMONS has your name in all CAPS ,your appearance signifies your acceptance of Admiralty Law.You must therefore appear out of respect to the Court but declare that you are not the person summond ,therefore they have NO jurisdiction over you ! Declare that you are a citizen of one of the original States United under the Constitutiion and respectfully suggest that that Court acknowledge it has NO jurisdiction over you ! If the JUDGE acts correctly and legally he will dismiss the summons. I was born in one of the Original States and MY Birth Certificate is spelled with only the First letter of my first and Last name in Capital Letters and NOT spelled in all CAPS as the summons reads therefore I am not the person summoned but appear out of respect to the Court …! I ask for dismissal ! (Im talking about a Federal Court ,and you will recognize it by the FLAG on Display) ..(Gold Fringe).If you want ,you could also ask the State Court (A STATES ATTORNEY GENERAL) to defend you ,and protect their Citizen against a Federal Summons because they have no Jurisdiction …States like to keep their SOVEREIGNTY ! and defend against Federal Intrusions .!
However dont expect a States Attorney General to defend you from a traffic ticket ,they have better things to do with the States time & money !
They will need to see something that threatens their Sovereignty !