Shoe Company Accuses Obama Of Bribing It To Join TPP Trade Deal
Another Obama corporatocracy conspiracy theory becomes fact as The Boston Globe reports shoemaker ‘New Balance’ is renewing its opposition to the far-reaching Pacific Rim trade deal, saying the Obama administration reneged on a promise to give the sneaker maker a fair shot at military business if it stopped bad-mouthing the agreement. “We swallowed the poison pill that is TPP so we could have a chance to bid on these contracts,” rages a New Balance spokesman, “[but] the chances of the Department of Defense buying shoes that are made in the USA are slim to none while Obama is president.”
Since the so-called free-trade-agreement known as Trans-Pacific-Partnership was signed last October, details of the actual ‘agreement’ have been few and far between and critics around the world have also lambasted the deal for being negotiated in secret and being biased towards corporations, criticisms that are likely to be amplified when the national legislatures seek to ratify the TPP in the months to come. This will likely now be even more pronounced as companies com forward to highlight the bribery and manipulation involved… As The Boston Globe details,