Take a look at that FIRST big down spike on Dec 3rd. That was the central planners way to change the prior direction. Abort the positive long “betting” on dollar futures. Naturally the dollar bulls ignored it. Prior up-trend bets or momentum continued.
Now look at the three big February drops. AGAIN, TPTB controlled futures market, BLASTED the “players” again to wake them up to stop betting long. Same thing again, the dollar bulls ignored those drops and created another up-let into the start of March.
The long dollar futures players got their asses handed to them AGAIN. Lower lows and lower highs after Dec 3rd. It will probably sink in now for them to stop fighting the Fed, and let or help the dollar go lower.
Yes we have “free markets” AFTER the master planners give the market a shove and then get “free market” help. 🙂 These quacks can do and get anything they want.
When they want you to stop spending, cool inflation, and want you SAVE money?? They raise rates to 21%.
When they want you to borrow and SPEND? To PROMOTE their stupid 2% inflation? Support home and auto sales? They lower rates to zero, and presto, “natural market forces” make people buy cars and real estate.