BLYTHE MASTERS was she who developed Credit Default SWAPS at JPMORGAN CHASE. It seems women do understand the problem but dont know the Part played by some women namely BLYTHE MASTERS Executive at JP MORGAN ..CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER ….ALSO served as Head of GLOBAL CREDIT POLICY and STRATEGY .The Banks Chief Investment Office Gambled on Credit Derivatives and lost 5 BILLION …The Bank will pay 1.2 Billion to settle charges it conspired with VISA and Master Charge to RIG Credit Card FEES .The Bank also being sued for RIGGING the LIBOR RATE.The Bank is being sued by The Trustee of the Madoff Bankruptsy case to try to get some of their money back.The Bank is being sued for 130 Billion Mortgage securities Fraud where it bundled securities and sold them to unwary investors …all this under HER GLOBAL POLICY STRATGEY department and her tenure as JP MORGAN CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER She is by FAR the MOST EVIL WOMAN ever to hold High OFFICE at the NATIONS BIGGEST BANK. SHE alone is responsible for most of the NATIONS FINANCIAL PROBLEMS . YET few Americans know who she is…but they do know who JAMIE DIMON is …the guy with the $400 haircut. War is very profitable for BANKS and their Banksters and BLYTHE MASTERS is their CHIEF STRATEGIST.
If your looking for who the SILVER Manipulative characters are your looking at em along with Deutsche Bank and HSBC but SHE is the STRATEGIST behind it all ….working out of LONDON. (Notice the GOLD BARS on the Back seat !) Its been known for a long time ,but not to Americans !