OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

The Donald and the wall

Posted by redneckokie1 @ 18:18 on April 21, 2016  

Those of us who live in an area where many jobs are done by illegal immigrants know one thing for sure. They work for CASH only and are paid daily. Once a week, they wire money to Mexico or wherever they came from. They pay for food, rent, and medical care with CASH., They buy second hand clothes and are on every dole imaginable .

They do not pay taxes and don’t carry auto insurance.

In no particular order, tax the transfer of money for non citizens by 30%, cut off the welfare, cut off the medical care, cut off the education and send their a$$ home.

Every mammal naturally migrates to food, clothing and shelter. Cut it off! Send the goat humpers back to the $hithole they came from.

Why would anyone leave a perfect $hithole to establish another one? Send the goat humpers back to the $hithole they came from! I live here! Nobody has a right to lower my living standards to raise theirs.

The first step to turning this country around is to ship out the freeloaders we can and force the others to work. Every right must have responsibilities attached.

If we can fix the immigration problem, some of the other problems will be lessened. Legalize home grown marijuana and execute dealers selling anything else. Nothing like a few public executions to stop heroin, cocaine, and meth trafficking . For the current hard core addicts, confine them and give them all the drugs they want. Habit forming and longevity are not compatible unless you are referring to coffee and chocolate.

The problems facing this country are not complex or insurmountable . Ancient Rome is a perfect blueprint for failure of a society. Notice any similarities?

The wall need not be of brick and mortar. Our military has the most sophisticated surveillance equipment in the world. Our infantry and artillery could train with the surveillance people in remote areas. Even the coyotes (human type) would get the message when the 105mm rounds start falling.

If anyone thinks these methods are not humane, ask them to explain the World Trade Center, beheadings, rapes and human trafficking. Then throw in the myriad of murders, corruption, kidnapping, and the addictions related to the drug business.

Sometimes the end justifies the means.

rno, who can hardly believe the left and right wing are attached to the same bird.







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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.