What the hell does that guy know? Did he call the bottom on Dec 3rd like I did? A hole in one. So who is he to call a top? A top in Silver or Gold means Armstrong thinks the dollar is going higher. That is not going to happen for a while now.
The top is going to happen when the quack buffoons decide to start a new up-trend in the dollar. The charts are worthless. All turning points are gov’t news related. For the most part they control pain and pleasure, water or no water, stimulation or remove stimulation globally by changing currency values.
Dec 3rd:
Dec 10 repeating the turn:
Dec 17 Dollar dropping, commodities bottoming:
Dec 22 reaffirming Gold bottom dollar top:
Jan 6 ’16, Dollar topped:
Jan 7th Real estate will drop from here:
Jan 26 Gold bottom predictions confirmed: