Yes a lot of the so called predictors get it wrong or they see a uptrend call a uptrend but neglect to call a down trend or possibility of a turning point. So people stay in and watch their gains go south and wind up selling at the lows or a substantial loss. I warned a friend about the DOW yesterday and he said someone named Brinker said it will go up last Feb and looking pretty good. Well today the candle didn’t look good. Then tonight Armstrong came out said there is a sell signal on the DOW today but not PMs yet and will depend if it could surpass 2015s high.That they will eventually merge and move together. He’s been saying that for awhile anyways.
He came out with two interesting pieces as the one tonight led me to another. He mentioned if Brits exit and Europe wants to follow it could push Euro down and dollar up. He still appears to say without words that dollar still inverse. It’s definetly something to watch but at this point with everything falling apart due to insane and destructive politics is it going to matter? We’ll have to watch.
I respect his knowledge but I think the Bugs are fed up with his bashing them over the DOW. I remember him calling for a high in 2015 on a audio with Kings world news shortly after he got out and then totally reversed. After he reversed this audio disapeared. Even with this move up he was still saying it’s not ready for prime time yet. It was like he was negating the move up had any meaning because he was so focused on his computer and alignment lol Until lately he didn’t say much expect wasn’t ready yet. Since then the PMs stocks have doubled and tripled off the lows. We’re people supposed to sit back and say to themselves no not yet? What if they do surpass the 2015 high? The trains have already left the station or maybe it does surpass then corrects. If they don’t then they can get off or just ride out the next turn. This bashing them has nothing to do with his models and makes him look like a bit of a dictator that wants followers. Now if he was talking about particular people who were say predictors or sellers that were wrong over and over but he doesn’t it’s just everybody. My worry is that Im sure the gov is reading his work and will they try to manipulate again? Perhaps there will be so much problems it will be the least of their worries. Wonder where these credit swaps will lead for one.