Thanks for the response…..This is an area I believe has something to contribute ,just like CYCLES that I study .I certainly have seen and it maybe coincidence but it is easy to see how planets et cetera have an effect on humans.Just like the moon effects some behavior .I have read some old studies done back in the thirties in a book named “Tides in the Affairs of Men” where a serious study was done on how weather effected the Stock Market and humans.
There was a definite connection between rainfall ,low pressure,storms et al and market crashes .Then the same book recognized certain cycles like the ten year cycle and how years ending in 7 and 3 were more prone to negative market prices ..So why not the study of Planets et al…..its all the same universe !
I have read that the moon rules Silver and the SUN rules GOLD ..anything you can add to that would be helpfull…
Theres so much to consider in this area it takes someone skilled to help interpret it and that takes a long time to accumulate that knowledge so I value your imput ..Thanks again.! BTW when I owned a coffee shop 23 years ago I could predict the sales by the weather ….Ill let you all in a big secret BAD WEATHER is good for donut &coffee shops ….sunshine and clear days are not ! I also could predict the Stock Market by the SALES in my shop ran exactly opposite of my sales..If business was good stocks were down..and vice versa..It was all good for me because if sales were down (my earned income)I made extra money in the Market ….haha .1973 was my best year sales were up 30 % and stocks were down severely almost same percentage …. you always need to be observant….!