has been training its people to live off of others for over 70 years…just like all the other leftists ….The end game is always the same ! If you teach people to be dependent on you then you better be prepared and able to support them ,after all you asked for their votes on that condition.
I remember in the 1950’s when every Puerto Rican family had a member that went up to NYC to get on welfare as they had a legal right to do and were able to support a whole family at home because of the disparity of wages ,but now the Gubberment in its wisdom a $15.00 min wage in Puerto Rico would be a real vote getter except that nobody is employable..Then somebody actually had a good idea for DRUG companies to move there and take advantage of lower wages and employ millions also had the benefit of relieving NYC of the welfare burden..They were given jobs instead of welfare and that worked for 30 years! Now drug companies are chasing cheaper labor in ASIA and Puerto RICO is exporting people again.Stupid Gubberment policy again ! Politician never learn ! WE need to export them and make them unemployable ..we should “out source” our politicians and allow Singaporeans to serve our Senators & Congress critters as they seem to have a very responsible government . No reason we cant hire them as surrogates and create a second class of Senators as stand ins… STATE of Virginia Senator for example instead of UNITED STATES SENATOR from Virginia …the latter being a Corporation representative.!
The former being a Representative of the State of Virginia (for example )as it was united under the Constitution.YOU see then the real problem becomes apparent .Its…who represents the People Vs who represents the CORPPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES.