Roger THAT! In my village we have third generation cops, teachers, highway dept, librarians, code enforcement on and on. Father son brother sister etc.
One case two brothers and a sister all cops, and they promoted the sister to sergeant just before retirement, so her pension payment would be higher. All tax absorbers.
We have two square miles, and 28 cops sucking up tons other peoples money. Avg pay $200k plus huge benefits. Four just retired (afraid village go might bankrupt) we own them $1.3 million severance pay. Floating a bond to pay them. All we really need is a security company. Its like Mayberry here.
Many tax paying shops and stores closed up and laid off employees, killed jobs because rents got too high, because taxes got too high, because public WAGES got MUCH MUCH HIGHER than minimum wage.
High civil service pay is killing jobs. Lets not forget about gov’t VENDOR jobs same thing. Drug companies?? Drug companies are chasing cheaper labor in ASIA? Drug companies are ALSO welfare types absorbing taxes.
The whole damn system is welfare.