Thanks for all the help Weston. I got on the site and posted a WE’RE BACK, but when I went back five minutes later – I get nothing but a totally white page. Just FYI
—–Original Message—–
From: Weston Williams <>
To: John Ian JIM Tony
Sent: Sat, May 14, 2016 6:54 pm
Subject: Oasis back up and running
I’ve installed the site on one of my production servers in the interim, while we’re setting up the new hosting company. I wanted to do this first, before running with the new host, to mitigate the site being down any longer than necessary.
We can now cut HostMantis loose. I won’t have time tomorrow to transfer the site from my production server to the new host (, but I’ll try to take care of it early next week.
The backup included everything through 5/10, since that was the last time I could get in to take a backup. We can’t easily recover anything after 5/10, but that’s when the site went down, so there wasn’t much there anyway. Let me know if there’s something missing that you need me to find.
Any questions are welcome, and I’ll keep you posted. In the meantime, enjoy having the site back up, and don’t worry… we won’t lose any data in the next, hopefully final, migration.
Thank You!