I will give some of my experience to anyone who will listen in the interest of Making America Great again…
The Donald has shown the best and closest knowledge of what went wrong ! Just watch his attacks on the Media since they were a chief cause of the corruption between Unions and Government ..they controlled PUBLIC OPINION…..They advanced the proposed idea that Americans dont want those jobs ! The big LIE ..The same tactics the Communists were so successful at. Just look at Cuba ,Venezuela and you will see Americas future ! Russia with Reagan and Margaret Thatcher and Pope John s help crushed the communists in Russia and it was the only country that successfully evicted them as their leaders. Russia evicted and jailed the Communist Jews and the war continues today …Now dont go calling me a jew hater like the Media is quick to do because all my business associates in NJ were JEWS and they were decimated and their businesses were ruined just like mine was ….Its the Communists that needs to have a Silver stake driven into them.. I did good business with Jews so dont blame them either ; for 60 years and some family members are married to them. Its the POWER hungry One World government people that are the problem like Rockefeller and the Bankster associates…BIG is NOT BETTER ..Central Power is a huge mistake ,just like Central Banks are ! Its a Giant SQUID ~BREAK them UP DONALD !
Teddy Rooseveldt understood the problem ..the TRUST BUSTER ! Andrew Jackson understood it well ..the Bank BUSTER !
What we NEED NOW is a MEDIA BUSTER ! Without Media control of Public OPINION they will fail and the People will Prevail again just as Jefferson and Madison envisioned .