is the Fems have taken over and the Men are afraid ,so they let the Refugees come in because the Fems use guilt and emotions to shut them up… They had better soon recover from that because the longer it takes the more destruction of their society will occur .When they get voting majority its all over …However if a strong male enters at the later stage it could get very violent ,so the sooner the better for Germany. Merkle needs to go NOW or all of Europe is at risk for major War when BLOW BACK occurs.The same will occur in the US if Hillery is elected .Obama has a Fem mentality and being Black uses Racism against men and all Whites …If it dosent stop soon someone far less reasonable and far less Family oriented will emerge and a violent clash will be needed if Trump isnt elected. In Germany Sharia LAW will shut the Fems up for sure ..isn’t it better to fix it now! America wont be far behind if they dont fix it.All these women rights and Gays will get smashed by the Muslim Sharia LAWS they better vote for Trump NOW because thats whats their Future will look like. Hillary comes in ..opens the GATES to Muslims and Sharia LAW follows .. just like Merkle …so the WOMEN had better PLAN AHEAD ! and tell the FEMS to shut up ! Hillary means Sharia LAW.!
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