OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.


Posted by goldielocks @ 14:32 on May 20, 2016  
  1. Are trying to down play trade saying it keeps prices down. Especially textiles saying the costs are about the same as decades ago. They don’t mention or having a understanding of what they put manufacturing through like Oforeef mentioned.

They also mentioned that the jobs currently being outsourced  is not just China trying to downplay Trumps statement on China and Mexico . Is that a regarded response? Their reference of Apple starting up plants in India. Well it could be elsewhere too so how will dealing with trade help. Ah maybe when they sell it here? I also don’t see them using phones, cars, or even food in their argument keeping prices down because it hasn’t. Neither cloth, women especially with kids decades ago remember as well as cloths of shoes then and now. They are full of it.

Now theyre trying to put out a white targeted racist message that people need to get over the unisex bathrooms just like when they unsegregated the blacks. Really? Making it another race issue. Is that saying that all non whites don’t have a problem with that?

Meanwhile looks like Obamas vp is looks like he’s trying to set himself up as the demo pick. Using the death of his son for symphathy while trying to position himself as the peacemaker in the demo party.

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.